Re: Bentley Falcons Official 2011-2012 Thread
I would be surprised if they did.
Atlantic Hockey isn't always the best at getting return games. Hell, the only reason UConn gets as many as they do is that they can use their tournament, which has a slight chance of being a decent RPI-boosting NC game for the two non-AHA teams who play.
The AHA has a major problem with drawing power. They don't have the home ice advantages that most of the other teams they'll play, so it's almost impossible to host an OOC game. It's one of those no-win situations.
If you have an OOC game, you know you can't draw anything at your home rink, so it doesn't make sense for the OOC opponent to sacrifice a potential gate. I think Bentley drew over 500 people last year only twice, and that was because Air Force and Holy Cross were in town. Additionally, Bentley's rink is a dump, so it really makes no sense fo ra team to come here.
It would be great as a Bentley person to see the Clarkson green or RPI red because they make for a good draw, but unfortunately, it's not like that name on the scheudle is going to affect the ability to put butts in the seats. Not without that on-campus rink we're never going to get.
Bentley should probably have one game against RPI, and they usually get Clarkson for two on the road. It makes sense to add another OOC against the ECAC, centered around RPI. Last year, it went Qpac and RPI back-to-back but that was a hellacious road trip. Union is probably out because they have a bigger rep these days with last year's run. Maybe Vermont isn't out of the question?
There will probably be another HE game besides UMass. Norhteastern and Maine were both on the schedule in past years, along with UML. Maybe PC or UVM.