The Sicatoka
Kicizapi Cetan
Your suggestion the B1G should have or even could have acted altruisticly is absurd.
But not impossible.
The B1G Network won the day. College hockey lost.
Your suggestion the B1G should have or even could have acted altruisticly is absurd.
But not impossible.
The B1G Network won the day. College hockey lost.
But not impossible.
This isn't over because UAH, UAF, UAA?, LIU, Lindenwood, South Dakota, ASU are all still looking for conference homes. RMU closing up shop on short notice was already one shock to AH this season, maybe they just like having that open spot to see who impresses them the most over the next couple seasons? There are still too many loose pieces floating around in D-I hockey at this point. The shuffling will continue for several years to come.
And yes, this is all the fault of the Knee-jerk Nachos who crumbled and trembled at the loss of WI and MN as if they were the cornerstones of hockey that Division I was built on...
But acting like the B1G had some choice is laughable.
Atlantic Hockey is not expanding to Alaska...That leaves LIU as the most obvious expansion team- and my guess is not without another school to make an even dozen...
The original B1G rule was that half the member schools had to sponsor a sport for it to form a conference league, not 6. Six was the number that was used once Penn State joined the conference since it then required more than 5.
The B1G is completely culpable for the hockey domino effect, because THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO DO IT.
If they waited 6 months for the announcement, Maryland and Rutgers joined the conference and pushed the effective number to 7 needed to form the league. And if you think they didn't know those additions were coming, you're in la-la land. They ramrodded it through with full knowledge that they would not be following the conference rule if they waited. This was explained to me by Ron Mason himself.
Could it be that the "other school" might be Navy? That would give Atlantic Hockey all three Service academies and group of smaller but generally like-minded and financially sound universities. But Navy is turning out to be the Illinois of the east: Lots of scuttlebutt but still in drydock.
OTOH, there's a rumor circulating in the twitterverse, attributed to Buccigross, that Robert Morris might be reconsidering it's decision to drop hockey. So if Navy stays high and dry and RMU really is having second thoughts, does it get to play prodigal son and beg forgiveness?
Let's say they do plan to restart for 2022-23. What if Atlantic Hockey finds out that a 10 team conference isn't so bad and even better than 11 or 12? Do they take back RMU?
But Navy is turning out to be the Illinois of the east: Lots of scuttlebutt but still in drydock.
Well, Alaska did with BU after BU had announced that they were hosting the Nanooks for a 2 game series. And staying with BU, back in the summer of 2014 Army backed out of a game with BU, which Coach Quin was unable to replace with another DI team so he ended up scheduling the U.S. World Junior team. Then in 2017 BU lost 2 games when PSU backed out of a contract when the B1G added Notre Dame and the B1G teams all had 4 less non-conference games. That time Coach Quinn was able to replace the games on short notice with Minnesota State. So it does happen, the only question is are there any penalties that can and will be enforced.They can't exactly break those agreements they just "signed"...
Just wondering about the rules for leaving conferences. If you drop the sport are you still financially required to pay for leaving? If not, if you reinstate the program are you required to rejoin the same conference and if not do financial penalties reapply if they were not imposed? Could this be a possible path for RMU to join the new CCHA?
The CCHA members were not happy with the financial state of the Alaska schools and UAH. Why would they want that same issue with BobMO?
The CCHA members were not happy with the financial state of the Alaska schools and UAH. Why would they want that same issue with BobMO?
That's assuming it was not a ploy by RMU. RMU is much closer to the league footprint. Close enough to be a travel partner for BGSU which if Augustana moves up and becomes Mankato's travel partner, the league could have a very balanced set of travel partners. Pittsburgh is a hub and would be a very easy flight from MSP too and all the other teams could get there connecting one stop through MSP, DTW or Midway. Big difference from Alaska or Alabama.
That's assuming it was not a ploy by RMU. RMU is much closer to the league footprint. Close enough to be a travel partner for BGSU which if Augustana moves up and becomes Mankato's travel partner, the league could have a very balanced set of travel partners. Pittsburgh is a hub and would be a very easy flight from MSP too and all the other teams could get there connecting one stop through MSP, DTW or Midway. Big difference from Alaska or Alabama.