I completely forgot about it before I left for vacation. Good thing it's still early to make up the ground.
Komey, you are doomed!
I completely forgot about it before I left for vacation. Good thing it's still early to make up the ground.
If you're so great with spreadsheets, how is it that I'm only scoring 2-3 points a week? It's not like I'm skipping any of the games. I think it's a bug somewhere...
I have no control over your picks![]()
Results will be posted Wednesday AM.
As we approach the mid-season break, we have only 5 games next weekend (4 of which are conference games).
Make picks here: https://forms.gle/QXBFkhhAMPMdxNSa7
View responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...gNOgv2rlzU__P5B80_2htycfmIN536w/viewanalytics
Somebody wake up Komey before he misses this week too
Rank Username Points
1 Downstate_RIT_Fan......68
2 XCTiger................64
3 mar7967................63
4 komey1.................61
5 Blazer777..............60
5 35TH40TH...............60
7 TalonsUpPuckDown.......59
7 niahock................59
9 Mikey NoNo.............58
9 Bronco Hockey Fan......58
11 SweeneyHawksHockey.....56
12 Larfretz44.............55
13 CornwallAce............52
13 Bing...................52
15 GoTigers2019-2020......45
16 Leather Lungs..........27
17 RMUfan2016.............14
18 palettofriar............3
Blazer777 led the weekend with 10 points, correclty calling the Holy Cross/AFA tie (bing called the tie too...).
Updated standings:
Code:Rank Username Points 1 Downstate_RIT_Fan......68 2 XCTiger................64 3 mar7967................63 4 komey1.................61 5 Blazer777..............60 5 35TH40TH...............60 7 TalonsUpPuckDown.......59 7 niahock................59 9 Mikey NoNo.............58 9 Bronco Hockey Fan......58 11 SweeneyHawksHockey.....56 12 Larfretz44.............55 13 CornwallAce............52 13 Bing...................52 15 GoTigers2019-2020......45 16 Leather Lungs..........27 17 RMUfan2016.............14 18 palettofriar............3
Rank Username Points
1 Downstate_RIT_Fan......69
2 mar7967................67
3 XCTiger................66
4 komey1.................62
4 Blazer777..............62
6 35TH40TH...............61
7 TalonsUpPuckDown.......60
7 Mikey NoNo.............60
9 niahock................59
9 Bronco Hockey Fan......59
11 SweeneyHawksHockey.....57
12 Larfretz44.............56
13 CornwallAce............53
13 Bing...................53
15 GoTigers2019-2020......46
16 Leather Lungs..........27
17 RMUfan2016.............14
18 palettofriar............3
There are no games this weekend. With the upcoming holidays, I will post the form for 12/28-12/29 here for you to fill out now, or wait until it gets closer. I'll try to bump the post (if others don't) as we get closer to that weekend.
Thanks, and have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, or whatever else you celebrate!
Make picks here: https://forms.gle/XwWh1yLRtMnUJfUY6
View Responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...Cp8Sv6Jx4B6IR5U2Mm1gb1aXo3Za8mQ/viewanalytics
There are no games this weekend. With the upcoming holidays, I will post the form for 12/28-12/29 here for you to fill out now, or wait until it gets closer. I'll try to bump the post (if others don't) as we get closer to that weekend.
Thanks, and have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, or whatever else you celebrate!
Make picks here: https://forms.gle/XwWh1yLRtMnUJfUY6
View Responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...Cp8Sv6Jx4B6IR5U2Mm1gb1aXo3Za8mQ/viewanalytics
Rank Username Points
1 Downstate_RIT_Fan......73
2 XCTiger................69
2 mar7967................69
4 komey1.................65
4 Blazer777..............65
6 niahock................64
7 TalonsUpPuckDown.......63
7 35TH40TH...............63
9 Mikey NoNo.............62
10 Bronco Hockey Fan......61
11 SweeneyHawksHockey.....60
12 Larfretz44.............59
13 CornwallAce............57
14 Bing...................55
15 GoTigers2019-2020......50
16 Leather Lungs..........27
17 RMUfan2016.............14
18 palettofriar............3
Rank Username Points
1 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....81
2 mar7967...............77
3 XCTiger...............75
4 Blazer777.............74
5 TalonsUpPuckDown......71
5 35TH40TH..............71
7 komey1................70
8 Mikey NoNo............69
8 Larfretz44............69
8 Bronco Hockey Fan.....69
11 SweeneyHawksHockey....67
11 niahock...............67
13 Bing..................60
14 CornwallAce...........57
15 GoTigers2019-2020.....50
16 Leather Lungs.........27
17 RMUfan2016............14
18 palettofriar...........3