Re: ASU Hockey
Is this what ASU fans are hoping for? Maybe it's a home run but ask Ohio State what it's like playing in an arena that is 1/3 full on good nights.
I have commented on this before, but can maybe add some more to it. Most know the Coyotes situation here has been shaky at best for many years. They now have probably four options. The less likely options would be to stay in Glendale as a tenant of AEG or partner with the Suns downtown. I have read the Suns are not keen on that idea. So that leaves them with going to the Reservation where the D-backs spring training home is located or partner with ASU. It sounds like the ASU deal is the one with the most legs. It would make sense from a fans perspective as most of their base was in that part of the Valley.
So where does ASU fit? As most of you have mentioned, a small 5-6k Arena would be ideal. But as I've pointed out, the school is in the second of a three phase makeover of the football stadium. That price tag is somewhere around 260 million. They are also faced with having to build a new basketball arena. That is why the Coyotes partnership looks to make the most sense. Coming up with the funds for a third project seems unlikely from my experiences around the University. We are not known for our fund raising prowess. Also, this joint venture would be on campus. Either on the golf course that is being turned into shops, restaurants, etc or on the other side of campus where the failed USA basketball complex was going to go.
My understanding is ASUs portion of the bill would be their practice sheet and office areas. The Coyotes and City would build the rest. So that price tag for ASU might be roughly 60 million. The donor that kicked this all off is rumored to be helping to foot that bill. So financially it makes the most sense. I'm sure there would also be shared revenues from suite sales and ads as well, which could only help.
Now is it ideal? Maybe not. But my hope would be that they are so far in front of it that you can build the arena with knowing ASU will host smaller crowds. So much like is done in Glendale, using curtains to close it in, but done even better.
Timing is critical in my opinion. ASU needs to solidify this endeavor as fast as possible so that the long term future of the program is safe. The AD made a bold move in coming aboard, but how would a new AD feel about this expensive project? And there are rumors abound that the AD might end up in the top chair of the NFL some day.
So lots of speculative info, but hopefully gives you guys some things to kick around. I for one hope it takes off and people embrace it. Getting it on campus as soon as possible is critical. Being out in Glendale is going to be very difficult to draw. Our last game against Team USA U-18 was disappointing in terms of crowd. I think the students on campus would embrace this sport. How could they not to be honest? It is fast and you can create electric in-game environments.
Sorry for the long post! But always excited to talk ASU pucks.