OK hold music works because we all know that song and we've all been there.
That ****ing ring cam is a dystopian hell. Every time I go outside I'm on camera because my neighbor has one.
lol tubi no one picks Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
With few exceptions, they've always been ****.
As expected, the top ad was Forever by The Farmer's Dog. The NFL ad was second. Saving Sawyer by Amazon continued the dog theme. Fourth was the Ben Affleck working at the Dunkin' and fifth was Breaking Good.
The Jesus ads came in #8 and #15.
The lowest rated ad was the U2 sphere.
I knew the Tubi ad was, well, an ad because the shot they showed of the announcers - they were wearing different clothes. But the people I was watching with were fooled. Pretty good execution
I feel like the U2 ad was rushed, like they cut off the end.
And the reveal that the M&Ms were back fell flat cuz it was after the game was over.
I liked the one when the aging rock stars said regular people were not rock starts. Workstrike, was it?
I was at a friend's house watching and there was too much talking to hear some of the ads. I'm going to need to see a clip of all of them.
Where are these ratings?