I noticed on Chris Heisenberg's list that Samu Salminen is listed as a 2022 DU recruit. Does anyone have any color on this? If true, he's projected on some lists as a 2021 first round NHL draft pick.
Who was the goalie in the 2005 championship? CBS sports announcer said Hunter Shepard was the first goalie with back-back titles since the 50s and while I was doublechecking, I for the life of me can’t remember who it was. Manino maybe?
Who was the goalie in the 2005 championship? CBS sports announcer said Hunter Shepard was the first goalie with back-back titles since the 50s and while I was doublechecking, I for the life of me can’t remember who it was. Manino maybe?
Seth Appert moves on to AHL job as Head Coach in Rochester:
(missing ya Viz...)