Nanook Nation
Re: Ak/uaa
No, that is exactly the strategy. The Juneau crowd can not override his vetos at this point, but they can decrease or zero out the dividends. Former legislator Al Vezey filed a lawsuit against the Juneau crowd today, claiming their meeting is not lawful and any action is invalid. In my past life I spent a lot of time interpreting Alaska statutes, and IMHO, I think this is a slam dunk for the Juneau crowd. But who knows.
Plus Dunleavy doesn't exactly have any friends in the Alaska judiciary (even if they can't say that). If the courts rule in the Juneau crowd's favor, maybe they will also restart the "override the veto clock". By then even more folks will be angered at the Governor and the Wasilla crowd. Many of the Wasilla crowd have dodged officially choosing a side. They say they are in Wasilla only because that is the law as they see it. Would be interesting to watch how they vote out in the open now that the public is strongly against the Dunleavy vetos.
This is so much bigger than hockey, university athletics, or even the University itself. His vetos disproportionately hit the young, the old, the sick, the poor, the mentally impaired. Basically the most disadvantaged of our population.
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I personally believe that Dunleavy purposely called the special session in Wasilla because he figured all of the Legislators would not attend. He assured himself that his veto could not be overridden!!
No, that is exactly the strategy. The Juneau crowd can not override his vetos at this point, but they can decrease or zero out the dividends. Former legislator Al Vezey filed a lawsuit against the Juneau crowd today, claiming their meeting is not lawful and any action is invalid. In my past life I spent a lot of time interpreting Alaska statutes, and IMHO, I think this is a slam dunk for the Juneau crowd. But who knows.
Plus Dunleavy doesn't exactly have any friends in the Alaska judiciary (even if they can't say that). If the courts rule in the Juneau crowd's favor, maybe they will also restart the "override the veto clock". By then even more folks will be angered at the Governor and the Wasilla crowd. Many of the Wasilla crowd have dodged officially choosing a side. They say they are in Wasilla only because that is the law as they see it. Would be interesting to watch how they vote out in the open now that the public is strongly against the Dunleavy vetos.
This is so much bigger than hockey, university athletics, or even the University itself. His vetos disproportionately hit the young, the old, the sick, the poor, the mentally impaired. Basically the most disadvantaged of our population.