Hopefully this is just an oversight as I made picks but they are not on the spreadsheet.
Komey is hoping for a UConn win tomorrow to have a perfect weekend! But there are another 12 games on Friday and Saturday so get your picks in!
Make picks here: https://goo.gl/forms/yEufFxPV0RpdkAI32
View responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...O_xGKsKlbhMxZ3AESfBj2w38QS_HsMA/viewanalytics
Rank Username Points
1 SweeneyHawksHockey....96
2 blazer777.............93
3 Bronco Hockey Fan.....92
4 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....91
5 komey1................89
6 CornwallAce...........81
7 Blitz.................80
8 Mikey NoNo............77
9 XCTiger...............76
9 niahock...............76
11 TalonsUpPuckDown......75
11 mar7967...............75
13 TovarishchLisa........43
14 NYhockeyguy...........41
15 Bing..................40
16 salty37...............22
17 The Top Shelf.........14
18 larfretz44.............9
19 Snively65..............1
2 people correctly called Sacred Heart last night. Unfortunatly for komey1, he picked UConn, ruining his perfect week. He still led with 10 points though. Blazer777 came in 2nd with 8 points.
Code:Rank Username Points 1 SweeneyHawksHockey....96 2 blazer777.............93 3 Bronco Hockey Fan.....92 4 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....91 5 komey1................89 6 CornwallAce...........81 7 Blitz.................80 8 Mikey NoNo............77 9 XCTiger...............76 9 niahock...............76 11 TalonsUpPuckDown......75 11 mar7967...............75 13 TovarishchLisa........43 14 NYhockeyguy...........41 15 Bing..................40 16 salty37...............22 17 The Top Shelf.........14 18 larfretz44.............9 19 Snively65..............1
Komey to fifth. That's pretty good considering the start he had
Rank Username Points
1 SweeneyHawksHockey....101
2 Downstate_RIT_Fan......99
3 blazer777..............98
4 Bronco Hockey Fan......97
5 komey1.................93
6 CornwallAce............88
7 Blitz..................85
8 niahock................83
8 Mikey NoNo.............83
10 XCTiger................80
10 TalonsUpPuckDown.......80
10 mar7967................80
13 TovarishchLisa.........43
14 NYhockeyguy............41
15 Bing...................40
16 salty37................22
17 The Top Shelf..........14
18 larfretz44..............9
19 Snively65...............1
Downstate_RIT_Fan led the week with 8 points in our 12 games. SweenyHawksHockey got 5 points so Downstate closed the lead by 1 point.
I might need to correctly pick ties to pull this out.
Rank Username Points
1 SweeneyHawksHockey....106
2 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....103
2 Bronco Hockey Fan.....103
4 blazer777.............101
5 komey1.................96
6 CornwallAce............93
7 Blitz..................89
8 Mikey NoNo.............88
9 XCTiger................86
10 TalonsUpPuckDown.......85
10 niahock................85
12 mar7967................83
13 TovarishchLisa.........43
14 NYhockeyguy............41
15 Bing...................40
16 salty37................22
17 The Top Shelf..........14
18 larfretz44..............9
19 Snively65...............1
We're getting down to the end - only 3 more weeks in the regular season. There is a Thursday game this week.
Make picks here: https://goo.gl/forms/RnVeQgMd3T8qVJvB3
View responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...XqJZSpvEL_O1ZyRq_LJKrQHDk2vCq_w/viewanalytics
Rank Username Points
1 SweeneyHawksHockey....112
2 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....110
3 Bronco Hockey Fan.....109
4 blazer777.............107
5 komey1................100
6 CornwallAce............96
7 XCTiger................95
7 Blitz..................95
9 Mikey NoNo.............94
10 TalonsUpPuckDown.......91
11 niahock................89
11 mar7967................89
13 TovarishchLisa.........43
14 NYhockeyguy............41
15 Bing...................40
16 salty37................22
17 The Top Shelf..........14
18 larfretz44..............9
19 Snively65...............1