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Re: 2020 NCAA Championship Thread
Hell, I would watch it!
OMG. The possibilities!
Hell, I would watch it!
OMG. The possibilities!
Are you kidding me? Our medical infrastructure is crap.
We can't even test people, while South Korea is testing people at a rate of 10,000 (maybe 20,000) people a day.
Our hospitals flat out don't have the capacity to handle a huge influx of critical need patients. We don't have the ICU beds nor the ventilators in those numbers. Our medical infrastructure runs at a capacity of 95-97% which from a just-in-time business perspective is fantastic. But, from a critical long term medical surge, it's terrible.
And don't even get me started how this is all going to get paid for and how many people won't get tested or treated for fear of how much it's going to cost them.
My brother is working with the task force in the State of Washington. They are begging the federal government for supplies, and they are not getting enough. This is a procedural disaster in the making. Talk to any medical person working in a hospital. They all say we are not equipped to handle this.
On a personal level, at least I now have time this weekend to do my taxes.
Still believe it's no big deal:
And they said this: "We in the U.S. are currently where Italy was a week ago. We see nothing to say we will be substantially different." That statement alone should be enough to sober anyone who still doubts the seriousness of what is happening. Because what is going on in Italy right now is a horror show, one that many never thought could happen.
That UCSF panel didn’t break new ground with the information it was sharing, but it was starkly straightforward in presenting the information that many news accounts continue to tiptoe around.
At this point, coronavirus is past containment. “Now we’re just trying to slow the spread, to help healthcare providers deal with the demand peak to … ‘flatten the curve’” and buy time for the healthcare system to respond.
We don’t know the true extent of infection in the United States. No one knows.
In the next 12-18 months, 40-70% of the U.S. is likely to be infected, because it takes that kind of number to develop any “herd immunity” that will prevent further epidemic outbreaks. At the moment 0% of the population is immune.
Not only is the U.S. just days behind Italy, but there is no reason to expect that things in the U.S. will not follow the same trends displayed in Italy.
Those numbers, combined with a 1% case fatality rate, mean 1.6 million could die in the next year. Italy is currently experiencing a case fatality rate of 5%.
The reason that number is so terrible in Italy was detailed this week by The Atlantic. When Italy was experiencing a few hundred cases two weeks ago, each of those patients was getting the attention they needed, including respiratory specialists and specialized equipment. A week later, over 2,000 COVID-19 patients were still getting access to artificial ventilation for breathing difficulties.
But a week after that, over 10,000 patients had overrun available ICU beds in northern Italy. Not only were there no longer enough respirators to go around, but there also weren’t enough doctors. Or beds. Patients were left gasping for air in waiting rooms, and there was absolutely nothing that could be done for them.
In fact, the death rate directly attributable to COVID-19 doesn’t reflect the real scope of the problem. It wasn’t just that the number of patients meant that not all those infected with coronavirus could get the treatment they needed. Those beds were also full for patients coming in with heart attacks, strokes, and trauma caused in car accidents. The survival rate for every serious medical issue plummeted because of novel coronavirus.
Italian doctors have been forced into a terrible position of triaging patients based not on the seriousness of their illness but on their age and prospects for “remaining life years.” In some locations, patients over 65 or with additional medical complications such as diabetes or heart disease are simply being left to die. That’s not happening out of cruelty. It’s happening because there are other, younger patients at the same hospital who need the respirators … or they would die.
This is only getting worse. Not just because since that article was written, the number of cases in Italy has soared past 15,000, but also because younger victims who initially tried to handle their illness at home are now struggling into hospitals after their symptoms have worsened. Doctors there are now faced with the challenge of not just refusing treatment, but stopping treatment so they can deal with patients with potentially better outcomes.
It’s an insidious, awful math—and a crushing moral burden—that no doctor wants to face. And, unfortunately, it could be coming very, very soon to a town very, very near you.
Come on Vermont!
For some context, Alabama claims like 18 national championships in football. The NCAA recognizes like 11 of them.
I work in the medical industry, things are not as dire as you say they are. You need to stop watching CNN, please Russell. 97% of what you say here I like and agree with but you are simply adding to the media driven panic train.
Your unamed source for this panic?
Johns Hopkins claims 44 (44!) lax titles
Take a peek at Princeton football’s website as well
I work in the medical industry, things are not as dire as you say they are. You need to stop watching CNN, please Russell. 97% of what you say here I like and agree with but you are simply adding to the media driven panic train.
Update::: Adrian and Hobart are tied 1-1 after 1!!!!!
Just kidding ,, I am watching Crazy, Stupid, Love ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Again!
I don't entirely disagree with you, but it isn't CNN that has shut the Western world down. The global concern is justified, and "an ounce of prevention" etc...
Russ is right (for once!) that we need to keep the critical cases to a trickle and to avoid a flood. US-style, for-profit, health-care can never afford to maintain that level of preparedness. (Yeah, I hate that word, too.)
The stats out of the ROK are the most thorough. People north of 80 are literally being decimated. Younger people (even babies) are shrugging it off en masse, yet they still represent vectors... And infection-control in the community setting is next to impossible without shutting sh*t down for a while.
I work in the medical industry, things are not as dire as you say they are. You need to stop watching CNN, please Russell. 97% of what you say here I like and agree with but you are simply adding to the media driven panic train.
Aa someone with a chronic disease and an immune suppressant patient, the common cold (while most people drink some OJ and go on the daily life) can and has put me in bed for days. The flu? Forget about it, and that's with a shot. Physicians dont know exactly what would/will happen if someone in my position contracts it. I, as much as it SUCKS, would like to minimize that chance as much as possible but still try to continue as normal a life as possible. If that means shutting down sports, large gatherings, school ect for a few weeks for the betterment of society (and specifically for those who might NOT be able to recover) that's something I am willing to sacrifice. For many of you, the virus will pass with no symptoms. For others, well....let's hope we have limited that side of things. And while I may not have had a Senior on Utica, Norwich, or hell any team with a shot at a Championship, I did have an 8 year old in tears 3 days in a row. 1 when her 11 year old brothers tournament was canceled less than 6 hours before we were scheduled to leave...and then again 2 days later when her last tournament of the season was canceled for next weekend. Those 20 something college kids will drink a few umm beverages and party on south beach next week. We are being selfish for our own hockey need being upset that the NCAA's wont go on. Fish may be a pain (more comical than anything) to some of us, but at least he is smart enough to stay home and not unintentionally infect those of us who can not fend off the virus. For that, I am grateful Fish (and plus what would we flame with on here if it wasnt for you). Tho the last great flamestarter (kash-RIP) wasnt as good as Fishand ***T just got real...Taco Bell is Drive Thru only now
Well, thank you. (I guess..?)
Most of us will get through this and die at a later date of something else.
In the meantime, let's go ahead and argue!
Word on the street is there were still 3,500+ at the Utica game tonight jk is it October yet?
It was posted with the link on the main thread concerning this topic. That thread moves too quickly to go back and dig it up. Not trying to dodge. Just too darn lazy.
Understand I am not say throw caution to the wind here. Put everyone in Michigan's 100,000 seat stadium and let the chips fall where they may. however all of this has become a HUGE over reaction, when simple things when followed. will prevent most people from catching anything. As has been said 1,000,000 times wash your hands. If you are sick then either stay home or if you need medical attention go get it but proceed with caution and follow the instructions of the hospital you go to. But buying up all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, et al, just show the level of pointless panic the media has created in this country. I am fine with sports being shut down for a while. But as I say the pointless panic needs to stop.
Before the crisis started I had already stocking up for this years hurricane season. I even have can goods that remain from Hurricane Irma in which my wife and I have an ongoing debate, she claims she wouldn’t eat any of the canned goods , even if starving,, My position is if you are starving you WILL eat them even if totally disgusting! I don’t have any sanitizer on hand (germX)as I’m not totally sure of it’s effectiveness,,, I’ll take good old soap and hot water every day of the week. That said,, I picked up take out food Fri night ,, we ate out yesterday,, plan on getting pizza for lunch today and start on St Patty food Monday and Tuesday . $4 Guinness will make you forget your troubles for a few hours! We will get through this togetherUnderstand I am not say throw caution to the wind here. Put everyone in Michigan's 100,000 seat stadium and let the chips fall where they may. however all of this has become a HUGE over reaction, when simple things when followed. will prevent most people from catching anything. As has been said 1,000,000 times wash your hands. If you are sick then either stay home or if you need medical attention go get it but proceed with caution and follow the instructions of the hospital you go to. But buying up all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, et al, just show the level of pointless panic the media has created in this country. I am fine with sports being shut down for a while. But as I say the pointless panic needs to stop.