Member of the REAL Zoo Crew
PSUChamps... I see you have yet to respond/address the information I provided regarding the prevalence of post-infection myocarditis and lung scarring, along with the information that clearly and definitively proves that your conspiracy theory about hospitals and doctors making more money by attributing non-Covid deaths as Covid, is complete B.S. C'mon, I'd really like to hear you respond with specifics about what I've provided.
Seriously? Have your not read (or choose not to) the stories about how hospitals were getting extra money for putting people on ventilators?
Fact check: Medicare pays hospitals more money for COVID-19 patients (
Oh wow what do you know.....
Florida Man Killed in Crash Listed as COVID-19 Death, Raising Doubts Over Health Data (
I could care less what your "experts" say. Does it happen to "some"? Sure? The majority? Not even close. I know of at least a dozen people who have tested positive and are living a normal life post COVID. I know ZERO people who are on their last leg post COVID. I had a relative die of a heart attack but had COVID antibodies so they classified it COVID to get more $$. They're was no freaking "lung scarring" or freaking "post-infection myocarditis". That's not some article, thats real life.
Next, I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your health issues. And, I hope your surgery went as well as can be. However, I'm curious as to how you determined that "the number of 'critical' patients is not as bad as 'they' make it sound either." First, how do you know for sure which patients you saw in the ER were deemed "critical" by the staff? Did you speak to the doctors that were caring for each of those individuals? If so, then they committed numerous HIPPA violations. If you didn't speak to the doctors, did you diagnose the various patients' situations simply on appearances? How much they were sneezing or coughing? Seriously, without speaking to either the individual patients or their doctors or nurses, how can you possibly know how ill they were?
How did I determine it? Because my doctors told me they were shutting down all non-emergency surgeries at URMC due to the lack of help and increasing number of patients. My nurse in the post-op, as I stated, was just coming back from COVID herself. She normally worked the COVID floor at URMC. When it was brought up in conversation SHE told me first hand how most patients are coming in to the hospital and the slightest hint of breathing problems they admit them. Though they normally don't need anything more than a little O2. Do some still get sick very sick? Yes, they probably would with the common flu too. Again, this isn't out of some magazine, this is real life.
Next, my family has what I would characterize as fairly good health insurance through my wife's employer. We pay at least $5,000 out of pocket each year and have for the last 5-8 years. It might've gone up to $6,000 this year, not to mention we have to pay a certain percentage of surgery costs as well and, I have had three different joints completely replaced in the last 18 months. So, let me ask you this in regards to your thoughts about how our health care system compares to Canada's (and other western industrialized nations). Let's say that to pay for single-payer health care, anyone making $100,000 gross each year would have to pay an extra $2,000 in federal taxes. But, after paying that, you literally never spent another penny for any medical related expense. Doesn't that mean my family's net income would rise by $3,000-$4,000 ? And, since over 70% of our economy is consumer based, wouldn't the economy benefit significantly from millions of individuals and families having another $2,000-$5,000 to spend (or save, or pay down debt) each year? Seems as though it might.
I too have some very good (for the price) health insurance through my employer. I pay $220 bi-weekly and then $25 co-pays for Doctor visits, $5 and $10 for medications (normally generic), $75 for each hospital trip, $40 for any Ultrasound/X-Ray...and Ill continue to the next part...
Now, I realize your response will likely be another right-wing talking point about the supposedly long wait times for certain tests or procedures (as that's what you've done in other recent posts). Funny, I have numerous friends who are Canadian and when I ask them about that, their response is that it rarely takes as long as is rumored. Oftentimes, it's a matter of the population being much smaller and being far less dense. Which in turn, means individuals are often a fair distance from the needed facilities/doctors and it's harder for people to get to those places.
Ah Yes, lets bring the Right Wing, Left Wing, Trumpian, Riding with Biden crap into it....for 1, I disagree 100% with how people vote in the US nor to I agree with anything political because people can't think their own way these days. You're either one way or the other, and you have to be that way. US Politics is trash, period.
So now that we got that out of the way, you can talk to whom every you want. I have a son of a Canadian on my travel team. His father actually played NHL hockey for years. I also lived 15 minutes from the Canadian/NY border growing up. Talking with Canadians was a lot more than having "numerous" friends. Once again, I had a friend who needed a tonsillectomy. It was a 9 month wait. They paid cash, came down to CVPH in Plattsburgh and had it done within 30 days (this was about 10 years ago). They lived in LaChene Qb. My grandfather was the MRI technologist at CVPH since day when until he retired some 15 years ago. I think he would also know how many Canadians come down for simple procedures. But hey, I guess if I don't have one of your cool little links it can't be true because Big Brother Media didn't say so. Again, real life.
More real life. My son broke his wrist in a tournament in Montreal 2 years ago (PK Suban rink) when he took a slap shot off of the wrist (goalie-sometimes he forgets to catch the puck). We took him to Montreal General to get X-Rays....HOURS....the worse hospital Ive ever been to. And that includes just about every major hospital in NY, Reno Nevada, San Francisco, and Vermont. But sorry, nor expert article, just real life. Maybe it was just "my" experience sure, but seeing how they are rated a 2.5 out of 5 stars....
Also, you do realize that from 1946 thru 1961, the effective tax rate on the 1% and corporations was about 90%. That's right, 90%... And, there weren't nearly as many tax loopholes for the 1% and corporations to avoid paying their fair share. JFK reduced those rates to around 50% in 1961. But things really changed when Ronald Reagan (who I voted for in 1984) was elected in 1980 and enacted "trickle down" economics. For the last 40 years, the 1% and corporations had their effective tax rates reduced to less than 30%. With those loopholes created by the legislators whose campaigns were paid for by those same corporations and the 1%. And yes, some of those were/are Democrats. The bigger picture point being, if we even increased the effective tax rates for the 1% and corporations to 40% -- to include eliminating the tax loopholes and off-shore tax havens -- we'd have enough in the federal coffers to not only have free health care for all, we could also pay for two years of free college or trade school, forgive a certain amount of college debt, actually have the federal government pay the states the agreed upon amount for special education, help the states fund teacher pay so that they make a salary that is commiserate with the importance of their positions in our society, and probably increase the military budget... I recommend you watch the Netflix specials "Capital in the twenty-first century" and, "Saving Capitalism". You just might learn a thing or two...![]()
I will not argue with ANYONE that the US HealthCare system needs a massive overhaul. Another first hand life example.....
My uncle is the founder of one of the first mobile ultrasound/x-ray/MRI businesses on the East Coast. He got his degree through the military and went to work at a local hospital in Rochester NY. After being a grunt and arguing with his boss, he picked up and built his own business. He began to challenge the hospital when he exposed the fact they were charging different prices of the SAME procedure based off of your insurance (one of the reasons he left). So he took his talents, bought his own ultrasound machine, loaded it up in his Windstar Minivan and traveled from Rochester, to Albany, to Watertown on a 7 day weekly basis. He now out of his office as his multi-million dollar business has become self sufficient and he doesnt even have to work anymore. He does it to pass the time. He works (here's that word again) FIRST HAND with insurance companies and how they pay/get charged for procedures. He charges a FRACTION of what hospitals charge.
Medications. (another REAL LIFE story). My mother is one of 7 kidney transplant recipients in my family. Again, we have decent health care (tho Wegmans - yes the grocery store - has better). After our last contract during the Obamacare her medication co-pays nearly doubled (thanks Obamacare). Wait times at our local hospitals ER went from walk-ins to HOURS because every Tom, Dick, and Harry was in there trying to get their high fix or the little scrap they got from falling out of their chair drunk. Yes, REAL LIFE. I would take convicts to the ER all the time with K2 overdoses and see the full ER rooms, when pre-Obamacare the ER's weren't ever that full.
Do I think any able to work, and working American citizen (sorry you have to be a legal citizen) should be given health care? Yes. Should all children under 17 be afforded health care? Absolutely. Should the crack dealer who just got shot in a drug bust be given free health care? Nope.
Combine that with the fact doctors/hospitals are getting sued for the dumbest things ever, little to no caps on pharmaceuticals, and crap like the price gouging based off of your insurance type all raises the cost through the roof. I am not going to raise my premiums up to help cover the slug leaching off of the system. And I am not talking about the disabled or those who physically CAN NOT hold a job, even if its McDonalds. Ive been working since day 1 of this pandemic. I've received ZERO aid from the government other than the one stimulus check everyone (even some of my convicts that are doing life) got. Yet I have a fellow co-worker whos wife is making nearly DOUBLE her regular pay when she WAS working thanks to the handouts, and we wonder why some people don't want to go back to work. SOME...I know SOME people the extra money doesnt cover, but for some it not only covers, but adds. Welcome to the USofA....