The Buffalo News reported a few days ago that tickets for the 2003 FF sold out a year ahead of time.
That clearly didn't happen this time around. I was there tonight and had a GREAT time watching two terrific games in a pretty nice facility... but the turnout was very poor and not what I would have envisioned for my first Frozen Four. I doubt there was even 10,000 in there. Maybe 9K. I've been to regular season games at Union, Cornell and RPI with a better atmosphere.
What went wrong? Ticket prices were higher than ever, I think. Our all-session passes were $300 each for the lower level. The four teams that did make it may not have been optimal for attendance purposes but there's way of controlling that. And though we drove in, I've heard a lot of complaints about the Buffalo Airport. I can't speak to how well the event was (or was not) marketed in the Buffalo area. Maybe all those were factors.
I could see Saturday's crowd being worse with Providence knocked out of it. Outside of UMass, they might have had the best turnout.
Unfortunately, I would be surprised Buffalo will be getting another Frozen Four after this. All those empty seats is a bad look on TV for the NCAA.