Ok, so let's look at the facts. We still don't have enough test based on infectious disease/statistical modeling experts recommendations. Without that, most current data is conjecture at best. What the metadata is suggesting is if you are an older person with pre-existing conditions there is significant risk of serious additional long term health implications or death. Again we can argue about percentages, but without a communicated and agreed standardized way to collect and organize data we will never know the real numbers.
Since we don't know the real numbers, we need to use mathematical models. Based on the data we do have, Covid-19 is considered a highly contagious, highly infectious virus that statistically no one has immunity to. Our scientific community isn't proposing anything that Japan or South Korea (two countries that have managed this much better and longer than we have) didn't do. Fact, wearing a mask (as much as personally I hate it) reduces the spread. Fact, washing your hands and not touching your face lowers your risk of infection. Fact, staying home as much as possible lowers the risk of infection. Fact, social distancing of 6' or 2 meters reduces the risk of spreading the virus. Our health experts and successful foreign countries have recommended these things to manage the virus.
We also have the benefit of learning what works (laying on one's stomach to help breath) and what doesn't (hydroxychloroquine) to improve patient outcomes.
If you want to blame the US media, there is enough on both sides to go around. They have to make money and the easiest way to do that is telling people what they want to hear. I challenge you to look at various states and how other countries are successfully managing and reacting to this. The international scientific community had the same mind and opinion about this and how to stop/manage it. The politicians,... no comment because this is a hockey board and I'm sure someone would be offended, if they aren't already.
Stay safe, look at scientific sources, wear your mask in public, and wash your hands!
Go Tech.