Re: 2019-20 Michigan Tech Season Thread. Broetzman has us off to a Bliss-ful start!
Tech's turn around in my opinion, after 30 years of nothing, wasn't caused by a coach. It was largely caused by three factors:
1) $$$$$ spent on staff
2) $$$$$ spent on the facilities
3) Conference Changes
1) Look at the string of coaches (head and assistants) Tech had leading up to 2011. Tell me that ANY of them were viewed as a major catch by Tech from a national viewpoint. Maybe you could say Watters (at the time of his hire, now not so much) fits that mold since he came from an NHL assistant role, but other than that, the head coaches and assistants were not national candidates. The formation of the NCHC was a huge wake up call to Tech that they had better start treating their only D-I team as such and not just a cute pet project for promotional purposes. Had Tech waved around that kind of money 10-20 years earlier, I promise you the pool of coaching applicants would have been much different.
2) Besides the new seats and the hockey center addition, what major projects happened in the JMSIA for the better part of 30 YEARS other than a fresh coat of paint? Now look at the money spent in the last 10 years... press box renovation, locker room additions/renovations, video scoreboard, suites constructed, etc. Tech is finally putting money into the program that puts them on par with other national programs. No, our rink will never be on par with the "Make me Ralph" in North Dakota but the JMSIA is easily in the top 25 of all D-I hockey facilities and that says a lot considering the size of the enrollments at some of the D-I hockey schools.
3) Lastly, the realignment of the WCHA eliminated 15+ games per season against MN, WI, DU, UND, UMD, SCSU and CC and in their place added BGSU, NMU, LSSU, FSU, UAF, UAH. No offense, and I know we all like to the think the WCHA is a great conference, but tell me that change alone isn't worth 5+ (if not 10) wins more per season for the Huskies. Tech was 10 games under 0.500 (29-39-8) their final two seasons in the oWCHA. In the first four years of the nWCHA they were 34 games over 0.500 (89-53-21). Yes, you still have to play the games and win them, but the Huskies strength of schedule took at huge hit with the conference shake-up. And Tech wasn't exactly killing it in non-conference play which means nearly all of these wins were coming out of the WCHA.
In summary... Was a certain coach part of the change, yes. But he wasn't the root cause and I'm certainly not going to kiss the feet of a Tech alum who stopped by for six years with his eye on another prize and then went right back out the door when a better opportunity came along. If he had left for something other than a parallel job with another NCAA team (it's not just a Michigan thing), an NHL opportunity, to be GM/coach in junior hockey, ECHL/AHL head coach, etc there might be different feelings. Everyone wants to better themselves. But if his goal was to simply be the head coach at Michigan, there was no reason to come back to Tech and pretend it was such a great opportunity and how much he loved the Copper Country when he really just viewed Tech as "good enough for now"...
I'm not angry. But I'm certainly not going to stand up, cheer and give pats on the back to someone who used the Huskies as a way to not keep being an assistant coach in AA until Red finally ran out of gas. Especially when that person is a Michigan Tech alum...
Go Huskies! Go Tech!