For who do you plan to vote?
Owns. Owns.
Last choice is to leave it blank and at least vote on the ballot questions.
Zero chance I vote for trump.
Massachusetts will go blue regardless. So I might go Johnson / Weld as a protest vote. Or I might write Weld in, or I might hold my nose and vote for Hillary then go take a long shower with extra soap, or I might not bother at all.
Last choice is to leave it blank and at least vote on the ballot questions.
Good morning Lodge. I voted. And I got a sticker - yay!! First time ever. It's Tuesday. Having an election on the worst day of the week? What could go wrong????
Good morning Lodge. I voted. And I got a sticker - yay!! First time ever. It's Tuesday. Having an election on the worst day of the week? What could go wrong????
Prophetic, some might say, as it turns out that our poll here shows us that we were wrong.
Good morning Lodge. I voted. And I got a sticker - yay!! First time ever. It's Tuesday. Having an election on the worst day of the week? What could go wrong????
First time you voted, or first time you got a sticker?
Prophetic, some might say, as it turns out that our poll here shows us that we were wrong.
I got my usual Maryland sticker but the Virginians got these BIG AS-S STICKERS.