Re: 2016/2017 Lowell Thread: Hoping for Chicago pt 2
This is crazy talk, but a little piece of me hopes that UML wins the UNH series in 3 games instead of a sweep. If not they will have to win 11 straight for the HEAST championship and if they do that 13 straight to get to Chicago and then 15 straight for the national championship. Wishful thinking, cart before horse, one game at a time blah blah yeah I know.
This is crazy talk, but a little piece of me hopes that UML wins the UNH series in 3 games instead of a sweep. If not they will have to win 11 straight for the HEAST championship and if they do that 13 straight to get to Chicago and then 15 straight for the national championship. Wishful thinking, cart before horse, one game at a time blah blah yeah I know.