3) Lastly, its high time the media once again follows my brilliant commentaryand asks this question: will hard core Evangelics come out for Romney in the general election? I say not all of them. Too much groupthink is going around the idea that hatred for Obama will drive GOP turnout. I counter with this - what would happen if a Scientologist or a Buddhist was the GOP nominee? Would hard core Christians come out in their usual #s? Probably not, and one has to wonder if Romney's religion is going to lose him a critical 2-3% points in the Floridas and Virginias of the country as these people vote for Senate and the House but skip the Prez race.
At least Santorum can sound halfway sane.Buddha on a bratwurst, I did not expect another Santorum spurt.
RCP has Romney third in both states. The people have spoken. Well, they've emitted guttural noises and threatening gestures.
That has to be based on an extrapolation of current percentages (which is doubtful). Last I read Romney was above the trend line to hit the delegate mark, and I doubt AL/MS changed anything.Seems pretty clear based on the numbers I heard last night that Romney cannot lock up enough delegates now even if he wins every winner take all state that is left. He's running Hillary's '08 campaign and it's blowing up in his face.
This is going to be fun.
You know no matter how much you repeat this, it's still just an opinion, right?Ron Paul is both a fraud and an opportunist
Would it be better for the GOP to nominate someone with no appeal outside states that the GOP would win anyway?
Anyway, this is fantastic. The dream of a Santorum nomination is a wee bit closer to reality this morning. Excellent.
Gingrich just wants to screw Romney and will keep this going for that purpose. Santorum I'm sure can "do the math" as Romney's annoying spokesman keeps saying. However, he surely also realizes that by amassing more and more delegates, he sets himself up as both the True Conservative and Next In Line for 2016 should Romney lose the general election. He also builds up goodwill with voters who can't stand Romney but want a chance to cast a vote for someone else (think Texas, where the race ought to pretty much be decided but will probably have a contested primary if Santorum sticks around).
Regardless, I doubt Romney expected to still be slugging it out at this point.
"Of course you get rid of Obamacare, that's the easy one, but there are others," he said. "Planned Parenthood, we're going to get rid of that."
No, no, no- you have it all wrong. The gubmint can mess with your personal life, just not with corporations and guns and stuff. It is their job to reclaim the Christian idenitity of the country and stop all the immoral behaviors. (those poor Theist founding fathers may have drilled allthe way to China by now...)Isn't Planned Parenthood a private institution? Seems like overbearing gubmint intrusion to me to have the feds shut down a legal business just because the President doesn't like it....