Re: 2010 IIHF World Women's U18 Championship
What a shame that such a great game had to be tainted. I agree that for such an important game, there should be video reply, especially with the poor officiating there is in Women's hockey. If you are a Canadian player, you cannot feel good about winning in a way that will forever be questioned. As an American you forever think because of potentially poor reffing, you may have had a victory snatched from you. Instant replay is widely used now, and is used in lesser games. Time to correct this problem from happening again. Too bad for all involved!!
This is my biggest pet peeve with women's hockey by a longshot.Doesn't matter if we are talking about HC events, PWHL, NCAA, Can or US tourneys, IIHF, Olympics....time and time again even in big games the qualify of the officiating provided is friggin pathetic.
The Canadian ref who was at the Olympics is a regular PWHL ref. And she is nowhere close to one of the best refs even in that league, though not one of the worst either. Although no one believes me, PWHL reffing (which most think is awful, and it is awful compared to equivalent levels in boys hockey) is still a whole lot better on average than in D1.
You would think the best officials possible would be suitably rewarded to ref the biggest games in each league. Rarely happens. Instead these are often viewed as "training opportunities".
You would think the emphasis should be on getting the best officials regardless of gender. Never happens. Has to be females even though most of them are brutal. Politics trumps competence every time. This is outright gender discrimination, worthy of lodging a human rights challenge.
At the VERY least then, what is needed is multi-camera video replay for all games. We obviously can't rely on the officials to even be in the right position, much less make the right call.
What a shame that such a great game had to be tainted. I agree that for such an important game, there should be video reply, especially with the poor officiating there is in Women's hockey. If you are a Canadian player, you cannot feel good about winning in a way that will forever be questioned. As an American you forever think because of potentially poor reffing, you may have had a victory snatched from you. Instant replay is widely used now, and is used in lesser games. Time to correct this problem from happening again. Too bad for all involved!!