Re: 1989 Never Happened: MN Hosts Harvard
Best quote in that piece:
“It’s a shame because we’re getting away from the real meaning of athletics being a part of the educational process,” Cleary said, his voice rising in frustration, “and it bothers me. I’m not sure it’s the right thing. In fact, I know it’s the wrong thing. We’re getting away from what college athletics is all about. It’s a joke.”
I love Cleary's idealism, I really do. He's a great man, and legend of our game.
But that toothpaste is out of the tube already and has been for years. I think that big time D-I athletics in revenue sports has morphed from a part of the educational process to a pre-professional training ground in and of itself, much as a college education has advanced from a luxury for the rich few to a pre-professional training ground today.
In Cleary's college days in the mid 1950s, 10% of Americans went to college, and Harvard was mostly an exclusive WASP bastion for men, and Harvard Hockey was a game played for serious fun by prep school grads. For most Harvard players of that era, Harvard and perhaps the Olympics was as good it got for a Harvard player.
Today, 65% of Americans are going to college, and Harvard has been transformed into much better school and more of a meritocracy for all different types of smart people, most training for their careers. And Harvard Hockey has evolved to effectively train a player for professional hockey, just as the B-school can prepare effective executives and the Divinity school trains effective clergy.
We're not going back to feel good era of the malt shop, letter sweaters and sock-hops. We have D-III and Club hockey for that. Harvard students are serious about their futures in all areas, and I have no problem with that extending to hockey players, either.