We have been faking peace plan ideas my whole life. How many "Mideast Peace Plans" that had zero chance to happen have pols run on? I think you are being a bit naive on that
The Ukraine comment in the original post was more of an afterthought...the big deal is that a MAGA fellator who just got Scaramuccied by a President-Elect. Even Presidents dont pull that move let alone powerless blowhards. That is what isn't normal. Purging Progressives is one thing...but purging MAGA? That is not expected.
Look Ukraine was screwed November 4th, but they were at least going through the motions to play the game. We havent even hit Inauguration Day yet. This is very very very bad.
Me, naive? Nah. I would venture to guess most, if not all, of those peace plans were proposed with the intention of trying to actually achieve peace, whether they were good policy or not. Trump and his team have no intention of trying to achieve peace. Everyone, including Ukraine and Mike Rogers, knows it. It was very very very bad when he got elected. You’re the one being naive if you think anything Trump does between now and January 2029 is new/surprising and bad. It’s Donald Trump, for f*ck’s sake. Of course it’s going to be bad and dangerous.