Hug someone you care about...
Sorry for offending folks. This is a very organized process and I was completely wrong.
Hell my dad called me last night confused by what was happening so it isnt like you are alone. The truth is people are so used to the iron fist of McConnell who just forced everything through with minimal debate or fight that they forgot what this is all supposed to look like. Its why we mock "Dems in Disarray!!1!1". The Progressive Wing and the Centrist Wing SHOULD duke it out. Groupthink is dangerous...as we are seeing on the other side who now can't excise Trump even if they want to.
The roadmap to getting everything you want isn't by everyone thinking the same. The roadmap is open debate and discourse. The Progressive Wing (and the House) pushing for $15 minimum wage in the bill until it was deemed not to be legit by the Parliamentarian is perfection. It was never going to work because Joey Man-Chin and Sinema were going to vote against it but this is probably the longest and deepest conversation that has been had in public over the idea in quite some time. There has been polling done, there has been studies released, it is now part of the national discourse. It has turned from "Leftist Anti-Business Take" to "Populist Ideal" in the course of a month. Some businesses are setting out to PROVE it can work all on their own just to show how much they "care" (hah!) about their workers. Sooner or later it will happen...
The Dems have finally started playing the game. They have taken something they believe in and turned it into a wedge issue. When the debates for the Midterms start they are going to hammer home the idea of $15 because the people support it. Hold the House, get the Senate to 52 and let the games begin. The Dems need to stop worrying about what the GOP says and just keep giving the people what they want. Everyone loves socialism when they are the ones benefitting.