Anyone else having problems using the ticket web site? 90% of the time I am denied access because I am perceived to be a bot because I type too fast (trust me, that is a joke), or I don't allow cookies (not true), or I have apps neither I nor my sons (who have Linux on their desktops and phones, have mined bitcoins, etc.) have ever heard of. On one occasion, the site posted tips on how to activate cookies on IE6 which Microsoft terminated years ago. On another, when I tried to reset my password (my existing one apparently got deleted), I was asked if I wanted a temporary password emailed to my old email address (my current one is listed in my account profile and has been the one I have used for the last 3-4 years). On the multiple occasions I managed to get temporary PWs emailed to the correct email, they failed to allow entry of a new password, simply repeated the initial screen to repeat the request. I and my sons also have tried both Edge and Firebox and the results have been identical.
From other postings, others don’t appear to have had problems other than ones about failures to be notified about the availability of tickets as has been the case in the past, the price increase, and parking. So, I may be unique and do plan to call and discuss this with the ticket office, hopefully with someone who is not a bot and proficient in the workings of the site.
As matters stand, should getting my situation resolved prove to require further frustrating efforts, I simply may move to a BTN+ subscription through the WCHA. I certainly would miss the LaBahn energy, but my sanity is more important. Any suggestions for possible solutions will be welcomed. Merci.