AKA - "Drop The Puck"
Re: WISCONSIN Hockey Vol. 22 - Let's not have another cheesy thread title... Wait, W
More than defending Shyiak I've been an advocate for stability. Talafous for 5 years, Hill for 3 years and I didn't want to see Shyiak go after 4 or 5 for stabilities sake. The inability to get local elite players and the inability to keep other top players after their freshman years has doomed the program from advancing. It has been and will be the same year after year for exactly that reason. Can you imagine how much better the team would be this year if they'd kept the players they've lost over the last 3 years? I can.
More than defending Shyiak I've been an advocate for stability. Talafous for 5 years, Hill for 3 years and I didn't want to see Shyiak go after 4 or 5 for stabilities sake. The inability to get local elite players and the inability to keep other top players after their freshman years has doomed the program from advancing. It has been and will be the same year after year for exactly that reason. Can you imagine how much better the team would be this year if they'd kept the players they've lost over the last 3 years? I can.