Wait, Phil was at volleyball? I've seen him there before, but never during hockey. I can't be the only one who immediately fears that something is wrong when he's absent.
Backup Phil did a great job, but it took the "old people" in the surrounding sections a couple of times to figure it out. (Though to my earlier comments about newbies getting first exposure to Badgers hockey games, experiencing what it's like, enjoying it, and getting into it....that's a good thing!)
As for the crowd size, I'd firmly categorize it in the "not terrible for recent history in October, certainly not where you'd like it to be at all (especially given the matchup), but pretty okay for what it was, I guess" category.
The lower bowl was pretty close to full, the second deck was fairly full on the sides, but with noticeable stretches of empty seats (especially towards the ends), and the third deck was mostly empty, save for a handful of people who wanted the bird's eye view. I was disappointed in the number of students given how much they've been pushing things, but I have a feeling there will be a solid bump tonight (maybe the people who did the "student night" thing at the volleyball match go hockey tonight?). I hope so. The "experienced" students are fighting the good fight in guiding the shy newbies around them.
"Old people" ticket sales are looking good. Lower bowl is sold out, second deck only has single seats available, and the upper deck at least won't be barren. (And who knows, maybe more day-of-game sales after last night's result?)