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Re: Why does Yale suck so much?
Another thread started by a genius and propagated by virtuosos
Another thread started by a genius and propagated by virtuosos
No, no, no, you screwed up the punchline, big time!!
The original joke goes,
"Why is Kansas so windy?"
-- because Nebraska sucks and Oklahoma blows
This joke just doesn't translate very well to other parts of the country....
and besides it was about college football, not men's ice hockey.
This guy is on a roll.
What do you mean by "so" much?
Many people seem to think that it sucks just the right amount....
I could be wrong, though, it could be George W Bush's fault.....or Bill Clinton's, for that matter.....
As for fault, I blame global warming.
Just curious.
Another thread ...propagated by virtuosos
I beileve Ylae* sucks so much because of their desire to skate circles around the competition opposed to trying to score goals.
No, it's because Ylae has to play the likes of Brom, Darmouth, Pricetom, Clogate, RIP, #26 Union, SLUT, Clarkson (sucks), and the Skating Deerticks of Quinnipiac. Come on now, try to keep up.
PS. you do realize that you automatically included yourself by the act of posting, eh?
****ing Yale! Gets beat by SLU and still stays number 1 in the PWR. Does someone from the law school own the PWR?