Re: Why aren't there more female coaches?
My daughter wants to be a women's hockey coach. Support systems and perceptions in our schools for girls who want to do this are really lacking.
In Junior High grade, she had a career fair, and told her teacher her chosen career was to coach women's hockey. Her teacher said go back home and pick another "real" career. We looked at night for info on coaching. She used Digit Murphy as her example and brought in info about her. She told her teacher this is what she wants to do. Her teacher was embarrassed and said "oh, okay."
This year, she was picking her curriculum, and asked her science teacher about her chosen science class for next year. He asked "what do you want to do?" She said, "I want to be a girls hockey coach." He said, "well, let's focus on a real career first." Luckily, she she now finds this response amusing.