Re: What are some big college hockey rivalries?
In the WCHA, the big four rivalries in order of significance:
1) University of Minnesota vs University of North Dakota - strong hatred between these teams and the fanbases. Has gotten big because these are two of the WCHA's more historic and successful hockey programs and they play a lot of big games aganist each other.
2) University of Minnesota vs University of Wisconsin - This is one of the biggest rivalries in college sports and for these schools the rivalry is for more than hockey. More tame than the UND/Minnesota rivalry.
3) University of North Dakota vs University of Wisconsin - Sadly, this rivalry isn't as big anymore but it used to be a big one.
4) Colorado College vs University of Denver - top programs in Colorado that play some big games every year
WCHA Second Tier Rivalries:
University of Minnesota vs University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of North Dakota vs University of Denver - This one has picked up steam over the last few years especially with all the playoff games between these teams.
University of North Dakota vs St. Cloud State
University of Minnesota vs St. Cloud State
I should add that Minnesota, North Dakota, and depending on the team, Wisconsin have the allure of being the big programs. Thus, every WCHA team will say that they are rivals with these teams when in reality there isn't really a rivalry. For example, Mankato fans call Minnesota a rival when it really isn't. Also, Duluth fans get pumped when the Sioux come to town but it isn't really a rivalry game.