If you think UAH is sweating St Thomas getting to go D-I, think what is going through ASU's collective minds right now. They had a multi-year window to get on board with the WCHA/CCHA. Now with St Thomas going D-I that window is pretty much closed. If I was the Sun Devils, I would start sucking up to the NCHC really hard, and quickly. If the NCHC passes them over (rink or no rink), they might be independents for a loooog time. Their other option is to be beating down the doors of every major university in CA and convince them they need a D-I hockey team. See below why that isn't going to happen.**
While not great, UAH's geography is FAR better than where ASU is sitting. At least UAH is a bus trip from most of the Eastern conferences. The only schools remotely thinking about busing to ASU are CC, DU and maybe Omaha. ** If you don't think that is a big deal, just look at how many schools are dropping sports due to budget shortfalls. Hmmm, do we want to schedule a flight or a bus for our non-conference series? ASU independent in the West and playing 30+ road games a season... How long are they willing to do that before Sun Devil hockey becomes non-essential in Phoenix?