Re: Weekly ECAC DI Predictions
Atlantic Puck-5
RStarr is redeemed and takes the leader spot with 10
RStarr with an excellent week moving up the ladder.
The Points :
Name………………….. wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 Totals
OnMAA……..…...…. 8 10 7 7 15 6 53
gotice…………..……. 7 9 5 8 14 7 50
mattj711………..…… 4 9 5 9 15 6 48
Rstarr…………………. 4 8 4 4 14 10 44
Jonsey……………..... x 11 5 7 15 5 43
Atlantic Puck….….. x 9 6 8 14 5 42
Hockey Teacher.… x 9 5 6 12 9 41
Sheba…………...…… x 9 5 6 14 6 40
Trillium………….……. x x 6 10 14 6 36
rinktaxi…………..…… x x 3 9 17 5 34
justthedriver….….. x x 6 7 11 5 29
GHF……….……………. x x x x 12 6 18
The Batting percentage race look like this:
Name………………….. wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 Pts Avg
OnMAA……..…...…. 8 10 7 7 15 6 53 65.4%
Trillium………….……. x x 6 10 14 6 36 63.2%
Jonsey……………..... x 11 5 7 15 5 43 62.3%
gotice…………..……. 7 9 5 8 14 7 50 61.7%
Atlantic Puck….….. x 9 6 8 14 5 42 60.9%
rinktaxi…………..…… x x 3 9 17 5 34 59.6%
Hockey Teacher.… x 9 5 6 12 9 41 59.4%
mattj711………..…… 4 9 5 9 15 6 48 59.3%
Sheba…………...…… x 9 5 6 14 6 40 58.0%
GHF……….……………. x x x x 12 6 18 54.5%
Rstarr…………………. 4 8 4 4 14 10 44 54.3%
justthedriver….….. x x 6 7 11 5 29 50.9%