Re: WCHA Pushing To Team With Big Ten, NCHC For Conference Tournaments
I also am curious if Tech fans or anyone else currently in the WCHA would have wanted their team to reject an invite if they had gotten one.
Absolutely, and for one simple reason - The formation of the NCHC in no way strengthened or grew college hockey as a sport. The core group of NCHC teams scrambled to grab whatever they could for their own benefit and left everyone else twisting in the wind to try and put the remaining pieces back together. It was formed in the same shady back room manner as the current Bi6 age restriction proposal. Formulate the plan in private without any public discussion (even with other teams in your own conference) and then drop a bomb on the sport. And you wonder why the college hockey community won't show the NCHC any love? You didn't ask our opinion and then you question why we don't support you? It's really not that tough to figure out.
And as for railing on the NCHC - I'll be happy to change my tune once someone shows me how a 10 team WCHA (minus UW and Minn) and an 8 team CCHA (minus Mich, MSU, OSU) would
not have been stable, successful conferences with room for future expansion (UAH practically begging for a conference, ASU, ???) or adding from other bloated conferences (AH teams who wanted 18 scholarships). Heck maybe within a few years a couple AH teams would have moved to the CCHA and leaving some room for Eastern expansion in AH? Three years later, I have yet to hear or see one. There were plenty of better options that could have been used if everyone would have sat down at the table and discussed it in an open forum. Heck, there are people on this forum with full time day jobs other than thinking about college hockey have come up with better plans that what we have now.
If you look back through the 95 years of Tech hockey history, you'll find a lot more examples of the Huskies doing things that were better for college hockey as a whole, not just serving their own self interest. One has to look no further than the NCHC's own UMD. When the Bulldogs were and up and coming program, Tech was a national powerhouse. There was nothing for Tech to gain by scheduling them time and time again, yet that is exactly what Macinnes did year after year because he knew it would help the new program establish itself.
By doing what is best for college hockey as a whole, you will also strengthen your own program as well by bringing stability to the sport. The teams had better be looking out for each other because if you think the NCAA gives two bits about hockey, you are sorely mistaken. They have their two cash cows, the NFL's minor league and bouncy ball. Beyond that everything else is a distant third. If college hockey wants to drive itself into the ground they could care less. The NCAA will just stand there and watch it happen.