Re: WCHA, CCHA talk merger (08-03-11)
Possible Schedule:
28 Games. You play every team in your division four times, plus a natural rival four times [UAA-UA, MTU-NMU, SCSU/BSU/MSUM-BG/FSU/LSSU] and the remaining four teams in the other division twice.
The non-Alaskan teams would only have to play both UAA & UA in Alaska once every four seasons. Plus the teams going up there each season could go up on the same week as another school and flip-flop. Viola - One trip to Alaska per year and possibly no classes missed if they can swing it over breaks.
Assume the Alaska schools could cover the hotel bill as it would save on airfare. You could shave two days off the hotel bill by scheduling a Saturday-Sunday series the first weekend and Thursday-Friday series the second weekend
Not sure if you're off on your math, I'm off on my math, or if I'm misunderstanding, but don't all teams travel to both sites every other year? Let's take one team in this example, SCSU. SCSU (just like every other Western team) will travel to Anchorage every year. We will play Fairbanks every year, with every other year it being in Fairbanks. That adds up to every other year, not every four. Also, I don't like the idea of having divisions, just do like the WCHA, everybody gets a partner (who the hell would we ever pair Anchorage with?) they play 4 games yearly, then the rest you play half four times, half twice, so you get to host each team 3 out of 4 years you get the opportunity to road trip to all your non partner's cities 3 out of 4 years.
And for the record, I don't like the whole idea. I don't like splitting an autobid, and I don't like the fact that the ONE positive that could come out of all this anarchy is that _untsville should get a home, so leaving them out is NOT acceptable in my book. Have the WCHA get to 8, poach from AHA and give _untsville a spot in the CCHA, AHA, EZAC, Big Ten, I don't care where, just get them in a conference.