Re: WCHA 2020-21: We Can Do Better than Two Bids and Eight Teams Exiting
1) Is the universe infinite? I actually tend to think so.
2) Is carping about B1G/Gwoz/NCHC ruining college hockey infinite? Signs point to yes.
3) Is MTU being butt hurt about the above infinite? Well, I'm hoping that the answer is no...
4) Ryan, maybe I missed the argument for UAH-in-AH before. I've never been convinced by one, but we have some time. Care to try?

1) I tend to agree, but thinking about anything infinite make my engineer head hurt. I really isn't a concept humans can grasp if they are being honest.
2) In my portion of the assumed to be infinite universe, my answer is "Yes."
3) Not all are, but(t) this person is. I'm a big fan of loyalty. Just ask Merv who is no longer on my Christmas card list, nor are we friends on Facebook.
4) I'm actually not sure if there is a good argument, but I think it is the most reasonable argument other than UAH joining the nCCHA with the other seven. Looking at the other conferences, what are UAH chances of being admitted?
- NCHC - 0%
- HE - 0%
- Bi7 - 0%
- ECAC - 1%
- nCCHA - 5%
- AH - 15%
The NCHC, Hockey East and Big are going to be a hard "No". I don't see UAH even having a sniff at joining any of those conferences.
I put ECAC at a 1% chance only because there is a flight risk of Atlantic Hockey's Holy Cross joining their women's program in Hockey East. If HC leaves Atlantic, maybe someone jumps ship out of the ECAC and moves to Atlantic Hockey. Again this is a very slim chance but you never know when one domino falls...
Was the departure of the seven from the WCHA equally focused on getting away from two AK schools AND also UAH, or did they just want to shed the AK schools and send a wake-up call to UAH at the same time? Is UAH having talks with the other seven and maybe by putting some financial commitments to their program on paper? If so, are they then back on board and a member in the nCCHA?
Given the low percentage chance for the other conferences, this is really the only reason Atlantic Hockey gets the best percentage as a landing spot for UAH. Most of Atlantic Hockey is in the Northeast, no more distant than the WCHA schools were. What's best for college hockey is to have UAH, UAA, UAF and ASU all in separate conferences, or all as independents with the Western schools playing in smaller conferences with room for more NC games. Given that UAH is the most Eastern school of the four, it is semi-logical to fit with AH. I'm not saying it is a great fit, but I feel it is the most realistic, outside of UAH getting 5 other teams in the SE to start hockey in the next two years.
UAH has a geographical advantage of the AK schools. I am far more worried about where UAF and UAA could possibly land. Their 1% chance is in the NCHC (maybe UAF) or a new conference with ASU and three more Western teams. However I don't think the Alaska schools can survive as independents for as long as it will take for three programs out West to appear because currently no one out West is even talking seriously about it... other than fans in online forums.