The Freds
Goin' Up?
Re: War Association Part XX
Britt Reid vs. Clark Kent
Green Hornet vs. Britt Reid
Britt Reid vs. Clark Kent
Green Hornet vs. Britt Reid
Britt Reid vs. Clark Kent
Clark Kent vs. Lois Lane
Lois Lane vs Pepper Potts
Iron Man vs Man in the Iron MaskPepper Potts vs. Iron Man
Iron Man vs Man in the Iron Mask
Man in the Iron Mask vs. Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera vs. The Fat Lady Sings
The Fat Lady vs. The Biggest Loser
The Biggest Winner vs Big WeinieThe Biggest Loser vs. The Biggest Winner
The Biggest Winner vs Big Weinie
ballpark franks vs. Dodger Dogsbig wienie vs. ballpark franks
ballpark franks vs. Dodger Dogs
Dodger Dogs vs. Oscar Meyer Wieners
Oscar Meyer Wieners vs. hamburgers
hamburgers vs. the Hamburglar
Hamburglar vs. cat-burglar
cat-burglar vs. dognapper
dognapper vs. dog catcher
dog catcher vs. dog pound