Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Re: War Association Part XVII
Taconic Parkway vs. NY Thruway
carbonite vs. taconite
Taconic Parkway vs. NY Thruway
carbonite vs. taconite
Taconic Parkway vs. NY Thruway
NY Thruway vs. NY Route 5
Route 5 vs. Route 66
Route 66 vs. Interstate 40
I hope that's the correct one.
40oz vs 24oz (of beer)
pounds vs. dollars
dollars vs cents
cents vs. scents
scents vs. odors
odors vs. fumes
(Ralph: Yes, it's I-40. Many of the same stops. Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Gallup New Mexico, Flagstaff Arizona, Kingman, Barstow . . . just like the song.)
fumes vs. gases
methane vs butane
butane vs. propane
solid vs. planar