Fear of retaliation and being put on the outs I suspect is a big reason why more former players, fans or prominent community and media members aren't speaking out. If there was a right venue, I'd love to see it but for now I think what Shaw and DeCenzo said might be the last we see of that sort of thing for a while unless there's a big shift. It's interesting Justin Milo got brought up. While he and his father might have been a bit nuts, they attempted to go to the media with their story, sued the school and much more, but they got dismissed as being nuts, and prominent media members made the Milos a butt of jokes. I'm certainly betting that even if the Milos were a-holes as someone else put it, there probably were some truths in what they were saying, but it was just considered crazy talk. I don't have the details, but that kind of sets the tone for how the program is protected. The second hazing scandal was barely even considered a big deal after about 2-3 days.
I also think some local reporters are afraid to run any story or opinion on the poor state of the program and its red flags because they might be worried their access and careers will be threatened if UVM tries to flex its muscle on them, so they go on as "business as usual."