Sorry to jump in but Hokydad needs it set straight.
Hey internet tough guy. Stop trying to come off all big and bad on this thread.
You didn't pick squat. You called me names (like you have with countless others) from behind your computer because you didn't like what I had to say about Army recruiting his own kid when no one else was recruiting him. (I still don't think the kid deserves to skate for PC) Over the top? By your standards but I don't give a crap about you or your opinion.
You lobbed bombs from behind your computer because you wouldn't have the stones to say anything to anyone's face. I even gave you my seat numbers at PC if you ever wanted to discuss things in person. Funny, you've NEVER shown up, nor will you because you are a wussy.
Stop this "picked a fight" like it's the wild west you toolbag. You call names as you hide behind a computer. A real tough guy.
You eventually move on after folks make fun of your illiteracy.
Fact is that you have been getting clowned on every thread by fans of almost EVERY D1 team. I've enjoyed reading folks here calling you out for being a dope but had to step in to set the record straight when you used my name.
You know that you've never picked a fight in your life. You call names like a little kid here because you know that you're safe here. You'd get our head kicked in if you ever met any of us and you know it.
I'm sure your wife and kid are gonna pay big time when you go upstairs for me calling you out. (Actually my money is on your wife. You can probably take your cat if you sneak up on it.)
I'll let you get back to talking about the D1 coaches that come over to your house to drink beers there Hokydad and posing about the D1 recruits that you've coached.
***Read his past posts folks they are a scream. Caution: If you are an English major or a teacher you'll want to scream. As you've all seen he tortures the English language.
Just my 2 cents...