Re: UNO 2012-13 Season Thread - Blaising To An Xcellent Season?
Considered actually starting a "Business of College Hockey" thread, or, something like that for this story and then decided against it:
The hockey team is not entirely what this article is about but it is the centerpiece of the article, which is an in-depth look at the Athletic Department budget at UNO.
FWIW, I admire the guts that it took for Trev Alberts to do what he's done over the past year. If he had not eliminated football and wrestling the athletic department would have been in dire, dire straits. It wasn't popular, and he did it anyway, because it really had to be done. That was probably the boldest, most overt commitment to becoming/being/staying a hockey school that any school, anywhere, could have ever made.
Some things from this article that are worth commenting about.
1. Hockey's small revenue surplus, despite the fact that UNO has been at least in the top 10 in the country in attendance every year of the program's existence (many of those years they've been in the top 5) is because since moving to the Qwest Center, now the Centurylink Center, commencing with the '03-'04 season, is a result of UNO's unfavorable lease situation in that facility. The ONLY revenue derived from playing there is from ticket sales and ticket sales, only. Plus, the school does not control and cannot sell the seats that MECA, the city's operating entity for the facility, control through seat licenses. (This is why you see and read widely disparate capacity numbers all over the place for hockey capacity in that facility, by the way).
2. Trev's comment about the new arena in the article, “If it comes online, it'll be a net benefit to UNO athletics.” is at least the 2nd time that he has made public comments that make it sound very much like they haven't gotten all the money in place for this as yet. And, that worries me just a tad, although the whole thing has been
formally approved. More, below.
3. UNO is currently playing it's men's basketball games at the newly opened Ralston Arena in Ralston, which is a south suburb of Omaha. Men's basketball revenue, just like hockey's, will increase once they play in the new facility as well.
4. In my personal opinion, the reason that UNO receives less Athletic Department state subsidy than any other other non-football school in the country other than Wichita State is because of the budget situation in this state in general and because they live in the shadow of the University of Nebraska, one of the very few schools in the nation whose athletic department receives
no state subsidy whatsoever. They sort of suffer because of the company that they keep, if you will.
5. I've said this in at least a couple other threads before in this forum in the past, but, here we go again. I have been a UNO season ticket holder starting with the '01-'02 season. In the time since, or, heck, even before that, I have never seen advertised or had offered to me "complimentary tickets" in any way, shape, or form. Nor have I ever had anybody mention they knew of any nor have I ever had somebody tell me they got their hands on some, somehow. Complimentary tickets, since the new arena announcement came recently, has been a recurring theme in all this dollars and cents talk. I've never seen the topic discussed in the Mavpuck forum, either, other than in the same kind of context that Trev Alberts keeps bringing it up. If there are
discounted tickets of any kind available, that will generate a thread for that game, there, on it's own. I have never seen a thread promoting/advertising
complimentary tickets there, EVER. Therefore, until somebody can supply me with evidence otherwise, I think the topic is B.S or is being WAY overblown from whatever the reality is. I am saying this entirely from a hockey context, by the way. I don't know about other sports at the school. I am also the past president of a rather large civic organization here in the City of Omaha (that I am a 20+ year member of) that is comprised of a fair number of business leaders in the city, several of whom also have UNO season tickets, and I have actually put this same question both to them and our general membership and I can't find anybody else that has ever heard of this, either. My personal belief is that this topic is part of the posturing that is going on in case they don't build an arena that seats more than 7,500 and will become part of the "justification" for not doing so, when, it's really just a matter of money. If UNO builds an arena seating less than 8,000 people, it will be because they can't come up with the money to do any better than that and I would hope it would then be built so that it could be expanded, just like the Qwest Center/Centurylink Center was. You don't build an arena seating 7,500 when you have averaged
more than that in 9 out the program's 15 years of existence. Lately, Trev has made some mention of this salient point in the news here, too. I don't care HOW those fanny's got in those seats, either. Even if somebody, somewhere, somehow got seats for free, the fact they even bothered to come is enough for me. There is either a desire to see UNO hockey, or, there isn't. Period. All prior evidence is the demand is there, and it is there to the tune of more than 7,500 per night, too.