Re: Union at St. Cloud (10/16, 10/17) - Never Won vs. Never Been
Pages 28-32
Well if their stats about salary are true I do feel very bad for you and your $200,000 education because my $55,000 education already has gotten me a job offer in that range.
I mean, don't feel bad. Congratulations on being on of the best and brightest at your school. However, that is how the normal student does at Union. If that was how the average grad did at your school, then your school would be on the list. We are 13th in the country in graduate earnings. Can't fault us for that.
Kinda like a 4 year degree from a liberal arts school?
I said State College, as in the town where Penn State University is located, Penn State is the 13th ranked party school by Playboy. Where you indicated that you're going out last night. Have I spelled it out enough?
Now are you complaining about the legitimacy of the Princeton Review? So basically any publication that says something good about Union is stupid. Just want to make sure we're on the same page here. Forbes and Princeton Review are incorrect. K.
I just went through 5 straight pages where nobody talked about you.
Attention whore indeed.
Can you tell me the five pages where no one talked about me or my school? Didn't think so.
The bolded part explains everything, was probably too busy jacking off his brothers

Sounds like someone didn't get a bid anywhere.
Best Northeastern Colleges
Little Race/Class Interaction:
# 11
Lots of Beer:
# 13
Major Frat and Sorority Scene:
# 14
Drinking while wearing a white hood takes talent! You are my hero UHM
My fraternity alone has a bunch of white kids but we also have Jews (me), black brothers, a Puerto Rican brother, a South Korean brother, multiple Indian brothers etc.
I'm basically saying your point was stupid.
That's not the point, dumbass. A ranking system that doesn't even have CORNELL as the NUMBER ONE "CORNELL" IN THE COUNTRY just doesn't pass the smell test for "yeah, this is legitimate." IT. DOES. NOT. MAKE. SENSE. All of us can see this but you, because you so, so want it to be true.
I freaking hate Cornell. But it's not a blind hate. I KNOW Cornell is better than #207th best in the country overall.
A more legitimate ranking of WORLD universities pegs Cornell as 15th in the world. While I'm disinclined to believe that either, it's at least rational compared to #207.
Like Ralph said - that ranking looks like it was done using a random number generator. It's completely absurd on just about every single reasonable level.
I don't care if you want to keep saying "we're #26! we're #26!" I just want to be absolutely aware that there are very, very good reasons why people are going to continue to make fun of you for it.
You mad?
I think you greatly underestimate the sheer volume of alcohol that this group can drink. We would easily put up a 4 digit bar tab for you.
For good buddies like you and Red Cloud, I would be more than happy to spend a few grand to make sure you get drunk in Schenectady. Tough to have a good time in Schenectady if you're not drunk.
Student Body
Female: 48.79%
What the hell was UHM talking about (earlier in the thread) some big guy to girl ratio?
I was talking about the RPI ratio:
72% male
28% female
And if Schenectady is such a great city, why is the population on the decline so much?
Sorry...Did anyone in this thread call Schenectady a great city??? I don't think so.
Yes, I'm too dumb and I'm the idiot.
Good. I'm glad to see that we are on the same page here.
Every college I've been to has kegs, unless you mean the school itself has kegs on campus. That's something Tech would do back before they went all PC
Yes, the school registers kegs with fraternities before each party.
I am really shocked by the level of immaturity on this thread. I logged in to get some legitimate idea about the weekend ahead and instead skimmed through pages and pages of terrible insults being thrown back and forth. Not only are the things you all say offensive on many levels but incredibly childish.
UHM may be obnoxious but calling him out and using pictures of mentally handicapped people is disgusting.
I have no illusions about the Union hockey program but I love the team and the coaches and think they will at least put up a good fight this weekend. Having a little respect for one another would go a long way.
I gave up on that back on page 1. They breed 'em extra special in Minnesota.
just to be clear, Union doesn't seclude the campus or make it a place with only one type of student. this years freshman class was among the most diverse bringing the campus community to a total of 20% students of color, 4% international students and 64% of the campus receiving some kind of financial aid. in sum, the student body represents 38 different states and 33 different countries. calling us racist is hardly applicable.
So true. SCSU fans are all a bunch of immature jerks who have no respect for anyone. I have to put with this crap on a weekly basis. Their attitudes and actions are really quite sad.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, but again, QFT.
Well if it's any consolation after this weekend everyone will go back to ignoring Union and its hockey program.
Except for all of the major polls and rankings which should have us hovering around the 20th spot.
I agree. We shouldn't laugh at the mentally retarded.
Glad we're back to talking about the students at St. Cloud.