Anybody having trouble with the audio feed? It opens Quicktime and then just sits there.
Anybody having trouble with the audio feed? It opens Quicktime and then just sits there.
I'm just getting a football game between BCC and RL, whoever the heck THEY are.
Sometimes it does that for me, try rebooting?Anybody having trouble with the audio feed? It opens Quicktime and then just sits there.
Anybody having trouble with the audio feed? It opens Quicktime and then just sits there.
You're getting a message? I'm just getting a football game between BCC and RL, whoever the heck THEY are. It looks like a high school game - only with no fans. No mention that they screwed up the feed. I got to see the band playing the national anthem for a bit - then some of the Ghost Whisperer, then some of ESPN News, then part of the Admirals game, then back to Ghost Whisperer, then ESPN News again, and now this.
Ok, let's make an intermission game of it. What do BCC and RL stand for? I'll start it off by guessing
Bradbury Christian College and Rocky Lane
You're getting a message? I'm just getting a football game between BCC and RL, whoever the heck THEY are. It looks like a high school game - only with no fans. No mention that they screwed up the feed. I got to see the band playing the national anthem for a bit - then some of the Ghost Whisperer, then some of ESPN News, then part of the Admirals game, then back to Ghost Whisperer, then ESPN News again, and now this.
Ok, let's make an intermission game of it. What do BCC and RL stand for? I'll start it off by guessing
Bradbury Christian College and Rocky Lane
A) It's Burlington Catholic Central vs. Racine Lutheran from at least a week ago.
B) The band was from the Admirals game - judging by the railings in the stands that was the Bradley Center not the Kohl Center.
C) I'm not seeing any message
D) WPT here says it is airing the Pink Panther, not Badger hockey.
Guess I'm just screwed...![]()
I got he same thing, it looks like they had a problem with the feed. On mine it kept on going in and out ESPN news and the Ghost Whisperer, didn't get the Admirals. ESPN news was cutting in and out like something was trying to be aired, but was not to be. The drect quote is: "Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to air Badger hockey tonight" Sucks because I scheduled my plans around this game.
Bishop Canterbury Calvert and Royal Loch...
Battle Creek College and Rowan-Leiderman![]()
UNH radio thought it just should have been 2 minutes, agree it was a penalty, but thinks the 5 is harsh there.