Reading the Maine thread you can see they are pretty pumped up about their team beating UML (and rightly so; it feels good to do that, doesn't it!!) Am 'copying' their current 'run down' of their season with this post.
How do those of you who have seen the team perform so far this year think of them at this point ? (am talking about our 'Cats here...)
Dan pointed out we are heading into a very tough portion of the schedule with UML (I don't care where they are at in the standings, etc...) BU, PC, etc... By next Sunday we will really know a lot more about them and what they are capable of doing. So far I think:
*Patrick Grasso is coming on strong. He's a contender for the top line. He's going to start scoring on the PP just a matter of time. Hate to say it, but he could replace Salvaggio. (Whom I'd like to see have a big weekend he is due). Not sure how that line will work if it has to be shuffled. (like, who can shoot from where sorry that's lost on me, sigh)
*BvR has scored a point in the past 5 games. Lots of improvement from game to game.
*UNH pretty much has 3 solid lines; the 4th line is coming along and provides decent effort out there. Not sure how much ice time they will get this weekend?
*Fregona continues to impress with his hustle and forecheck. Keep him on the ice, not on the bench.
*Vela and Eisermen: you are missed out there! Please come back sooner than later...and in good health!
*Dwise: Wyse is the work horse there is no doubt. Hard to keep him out of the box tho. We need him on the ice, not off it.
*Marks: I felt he had his best game this weekend. He does a lot of "quiet" stuff out there. Can always be counted on but has to bring game UP for this weekends competition. Solid, dependable player.
*Gildon continues to deliver with assists but his D game needs to come along. We'll need it this weekend. Plus...that booming slap shot as well.
*Maas is solid and is only going to get better. Poised out there; gets lots of sticks in the way. Beautiful goal this weekend too...more of that please!
*Chanter and Boyd are doing well and work hard. Both can provide good stuff need more physical tho. Can't afford turnovers.
*DT: Playing very well at the moment. Few 'get in your crease young man' moments so far. The better D this season allows him to be more effective. He'll see plenty of rubber this weekend. I think he's up to the task but has to be on his top game. He's been a gamer so far this season. Lots of "good Danny" moments!
*Hope others will feel free to tear this apart (haha) and get some dialog going...go ahead, I can take it.