Many thanks to those patiently waiting for the electrical storm to pass ...
Fun with Souza, Dick & Stu - Offseason Edition - Part IX
Now five men approach Tee Nine
Dick and Mark walk first, arm in arm, like best buds
"So Mark, what is it with these steel poles on Hole Nine?"
"Dick, I got this idea from Puff. Let me tell you what it is"
"Puff? You don't mean, those poles are ... "
"Yup. For lights. This is his brain child"
"What a dumb thing to think. But it is Puff, so no big shock"

"He thinks UNH can host the NCAA and NHIAA golf champs now"
"So Mark, what do you think of all of ... this???" as Dick waves his arms
"I nixed the grand stand part of his plans. Now THAT was nuts"
"I think the whole thing is nuts. But I'll hit first now"
The ninth hole is a Par Five
Think of the costs saved from no stands
The lights bill could be huge
But only if they are left on

Dick steps up to the tee box
His drive is a very bad slice
Ping ping
His shot hits off one post, then to post two
It then stops dead in the midst of the fair way
Stu shakes his head and hits next
Grip and rip, the tee shot drifts off to the first cut
Mike hits last, but he is still pee oh'ed
He shanks his tee shot - ping
His shot rests not too far from Stu now
Spot drives off, with Dick and Mark in tow
Stu and Mike walk off on their own to their balls
"What a suck up move that was back on eight" hisses Mike
"Takes one to know one, pal" shoots back Stu
"But yeah, Dick did score an ace. His ball was in the hole"
"No way, Stu"
"Way, Mike. Trust me, I want to win this, more than you know"
"Still not happy I got the job, and not you?"
"You are away, Mike. Go hit your ball"
Mike steps up and plays it safe
Hits a good shot that stops 150 yards out in a good spot
Stu now moves to his ball and also plays it safe
His shot rolls up next to Mike's ball
They are both in with a clear third shot to the green
Barbs at each other still flow on the walk up
Dick gets out of the cart to hit his next shot
This time he hooks his shot - ping ping
The poles save him from a bad shot twice now
He is just 100 yards out, as he gets back to the cart
"Nice shot, Dick" says Mark and Spot the cart loop
"Mark, I think Puff may have a good plan here after all"
"I thought you might think that, Dick"

"Hey, the car park looks full now. What's up?" Dick asks
"We have a few guests over to check in with after nine" grins Mark
Mike and Stu hit their next shots to the fringe of the green
One on each side - they will need up and downs to make par
Dick waits, and hits a short iron right on the nose
Dick's ball flies past the green
Dick's ball rolls back to less than five feet from the cup
Both Mike and Stu shout "You can pick that up boss"
Dick goes to pick up his ball
Mark goes in to the back of the cart and grabs a <del>Busch</del> Tab
Mark spits it back up all at once when he tries to sip it
"What is this rat swill Dick has in his cart?"

"I have a strict don't ask, don't tell thing on that" grins Spot
Mike chips from the left fringe, and comes close to a hole out
Stu chips from the right fringe, and it stops a foot short
Will the men tell each other to pick up?

Not a chance. Not a chance in he11
Both tap in for their pars. Dick cards his bird
"So I guess Mark told you what's up, boss" smiles Mike
"Yes, he said we will stop for a bit at the club house now"
"No one tells me jack squat" moans Stu
"You think you should have done eight the other way now, sport?" laughs Spot

"Boy do we have a great guest for you, Coach" beams Mark
"I have a new guest here too, if his pass port checks out" beams Mike
Stu now feels quite left out, and his nice move on eight seems so naïve now
Dick is still filled with joy from his ace, and from his front nine now too
Dick is also still quite filled up with <del>Schlitz</del> <del>Busch</del> Tab
Dick burps first, then walks to the sand trap and pukes his guts out
Now he can start fresh for the back nine
The score at the turn (Par 35) stands:
*Dick -4 Souza E Stu E
Dick still has the lead
Dick still has honors
Dick waits for the big party after nine
Mike and Mark are

Stu is

Puff waits for the men at the club house with a crutch
Spot thinks he does not miss the old place all that much after all