At least we're narrowing the issue a little bit with our spat here, 'dc. FWIW like the other posters have said, I do appreciate the insights you've offered of late on the process. Now, if you can wipe your hands clean of the cotton candy stickiness for a moment, let's wrap this up for good ...
You took a single portion of one line in a detailed summary I provided about the search tried (unsuccessfully) to undermine the credibility of this guy. I mentioned that he was a Chicago guy and that he was once in an exec role with the Bulls. Total throw-in comment that I thought would be interesting to people. Didn't see the need to provide the guy's 45-year work history.
One slight omission, 'dc. You (or he?) felt it was important to mention this was "MJ era Bulls". Not Norm Van Lier era, not Derrick Rose era, but THE MJ Era. If you'd (he'd) only said it was with the Bulls, I probably don't say boo. But you (or he) brought in the MJ Era, and it felt like you (he) wanted credit. I'm sure you can understand the inferences. Just sayin' ...
1. You first said that if he worked with Krause, he was garbage. I believe it was a “good luck with that”. That turned out wrong.
2. Next, you claimed that whatever he did with the Bulls, based on his age and the timeframe, he had to have been nothing more than an assistant water carrier. That turned out wrong.
My point was (still is) that further to the discussion of importance of your guy's role - and I'm not pushing for disclosure of details to "out" your guy - the only guys with any real say on the Bulls franchise in that era were (1) Reinsdorf, (2) Krause, a long drop to (3) Jordan, and (4-10) an even longer drop into irrelevance to anyone else in the front office, most if not all of whom would be Reinsdorf/Krause-friendly "yes" men. That's not "garbage", Lord knows if the Celts wanted a young Chuck to count Red's paperclips, and nod "yes" at appropriate times, I'd have been all in, too. That's the reality of that era, and despite your claims of me being "wrong", you haven't established otherwise.
3. Next it was that he “led with this on his CV” (wrong) and that he was puffing his resume and likely not somebody to be impressed by. Something about whipped cream or something. That turned out wrong.
I haven't seen the guy's resume, 'dc. You mentioned the "MJ era Bulls" in your recap. So if I'm "wrong" I'll apologize here to your guy, and shift the criticism to you, OK? Again, if you give us the Forbes quote, and say he's had a hand in dozens if not hundreds of major college AD hires nationally, I don't say boo. Mid-level functionary with the MJ Era Bulls? Big whoop.
With regards to “lining up excuses”… No. They are simply concerns, valid reasons why someone would look hard at other options. My hope is that President Dean is able to sell past those types of objections, and grab an up-and-comer who would provide us with a 5-10-year “rehab and return” before moving into the big time. The recruit must feel confident that the conditions are there to effect such a turnaround.
I want UNH to nail this decision spot-on in the worst way. There's only so much time I have left to watch the hamster wheel at UNH Athletics spin out mediocre hockey, football and hoops, in that order (and God Bless Marc Hubbard for making UNH Men's Soccer relevant). To paraphrase the great Rodney Dangerfield ... "Hurry up, while we're still young" ...