From the top on down ...
If not Souza, who do you guys want? Too soon to take a chance on Ciocco? Ayers? From my perspective Ayers is not the guy.
Oversight on my part in mentioning Ciocco. I guess I forgot about Ciocco's boss. Would Scott Borek be on your radar?
It's funny, until 'Ref posted the link to THN's game story, I wasn't even aware Ciocco was working for Borek at Merrimack. IIRC Ciocco broke the third wall here on USCHO a few times after his UNH playing career was over, although I don't recall what the circumstances may have been at the time. Turns out, he's been with Borek for what is now their 4th season at MC which obviously begs comparison to what MS7 has done in his four years in charge (plus a 3 year apprenticeship) at UNH. Overall, MS7 has a better record in those four seasons ... BUT the trajectory of the MS7 Era at UNH is following a flat line at the lower reaches of HEA, whilst Merrimack has suddenly emerged in Year Four of the Borek Era (without the 3 year head start MS7 enjoyed in Durham) as a program that's looking like a shoe-in for REAL home ice in the HEA Quarters. IF they are the 3rd seed, they'll probably end up with the BC-UNH winner from the MBPBEGAM round.
If anyone remembers Roger Clemens' return to Fenway Park in a Toronto uniform in the late '90's, you'll probably remember the "salute" Roger gave his old boss Dan Duquette up in the pressbox/executive suites area at his old stomping grounds on his way off the mound. I would not begrudge Scotty B. a similar opportunity to "salute" Blue Skies, if UNH were to be so lucky as to advance out of the MBPBEGAM death match (which of course UNH will fail at again).
To answer your basic question J.D. ... the question in my mind isn't so much whether Borek is on UNH's radar, as it is would Borek even contemplate leaving MC to start anew (again) at UNH? Given the history, I doubt it. Borek is 60 years old, and this will almost certainly be his last stop in the head coaching biz. He's finally got things up and running at MC, so he's probably (understandably) invested in seeing his work in North Andover through to its conclusion. So even with Blue Skies bidding UNH adieu shortly, I don't see Borek having the same interest in HC of UNH as he did a decade or so ago.
My guess is, Ciocco would probably jump at the opportunity (still being young, an alum, and now being able to point to some D-1 success on his resume) if/when the UNH job opens up. Borek would probably encourage it even. And if it turns out JC has played a key part in the success of Borek's program as it now stands, I think UNH would be nuts NOT to consider him.
Borek went almost 20 years between HC jobs at D-1 between his dismissal at Lake State, and his hiring by MC. I always dismissed him as a viable D-1 guy, primarily on the basis he didn't do much at Lake State after inheriting the juggernaut program that Jeff Jackson took to the very top (before leaving for the USNTDP, and eventually NICC). If he couldn't keep that LSSU program afloat, there was very little reason to think he could keep UNH relevant at prime Umile Era levels. Now he's gone and done a bottom-to-top rebuild at Merrimack, which is impressive. I'm not sure it's sustainable, but Borek should get some credit for what he's achieved. I didn't think he had it in him, and apparently I was wrong. Kudos Scotty!
J.D. - I'd love to get your insight into why you don't think Ayers would be the guy at UNH?
I'm not going to reflect on what I think or what Souza has done right now. All I know is that we have an opportunity to compete for home ice still in the playoffs.
Sounds kinda like "It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day." ;-)