Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
Pound on Souza all you want. I'm not here to defend him. Just don't cherry pick the intelligence. Haven't seen you or anyone else call out the goalie coach yet. The performance has been even worse than when the job was being done via Skype. I get that he is among the greatest and most popular players in the program's history but if you're going to call out Ricky Santos don't be afraid to do the same for Ty Conklin.
The template was set in place when Coach Umile moved away from hiring his same-age pals as assistants, and begin to hire former players instead, when he first brought in Coach Stewart, then Coach Souza, and then when MS7 hired Coach Conklin, a former teammate from the "glory days". I guess the obvious question I have is ... when there was already another UNH player (who FWIW happened to be a goalie) in the D-1 coaching game, and learning from the all-time winningest D-1 coach as a top assistant ... why wouldn't you have put that guy on top of the hiring list (if you indeed felt compelled to hire a UNH alum), instead of the guy they hired, who learned from the guy who learned from the guy (i.e. Luce Canaan)?!?
I know Luce has snowed a lot of folks with the sales pitch of how York hasn't won without him (yet), but I never imagined the folks who fell for that dumb pitch would include Blue Skies.
Ten or fifteen years ago, guys like Pat Foley were touted, and before that Bruce Crowder was often mentioned as a successor before he bailed at Northeastern, and got into a real world career. Crowder is now 64 years old (gosh, that makes me feel old) and Foley is 40 (ditto). MS7 will be 44 yrs. old in a few months, and the "other" goalie from those days is 43 yrs. old.
Of course, the answer to the biggest "What if?" questions regarding the UNH Men's Hockey program quietly returned as an assistant at his alma mater on the other side of this state a few years ago, and he now looks to have stepped away from coaching again, after having been railroaded out of his job here in the single most distasteful personnel act in UNH history.
Karma, as they say, is a b!t<h ...