Ref I think you over-reacted on this one, unless you feel especially close to "Brandon"? 'dc seemed to get the overall gist, but if you are sore about it, I apologize. I've posted one LGB so far, and another poster on here (one we all like and respect BTW) had an ETTD in his signature for months, but we all lived through that one, so I suspect you'll live through a random LGB. ;-)
Last time for the cheap seats in the back, then, I am not going to reply ever again to anything you post that has political over tones in it. I don't care what 'Watcher has in his sig line; in fact, I never noticed it to be honest, and I had to even look up what ETTD means, which is surprising since I think I'm some what 'caught up' with the lingo, being the bleeding heart lib that I am. Your use of LGB? Just one more dig in your posts. Which really, I don't know why I even CARE expect for the fact, you 'fixed my post'...your posts end often times with some kind of thing about the "old fossil in the white house". And like I said, free country. But those rules are only reserved for you Chuck, and, I personally do NOT want to post politically on this board. I'm here for the hockey and gee, do I dare say, to build some friendships here and there.
I'll be honest, I really didn't pay much attention to your comments regarding endowments etc, and wildcatdc, you are not in any 'morass' at least, not with me. I'll admit I was hyper sensitive around the LGB because, I think it's pretty childish anyway. Sorry, but at least around my neck of the woods, I do not recall seeing any FTrump flags on the back of trucks, or, houses with all kinds of anti Biden stuff on their lawns, or, on signs at area businesses. Not that there isn't / wasn't plenty of anti trump stuff going around, mind you. Damn, can't people just get along...
If you like it so much, make it part of your sig line. I'd like to apologize to fellow posters for acting like I'm trying to dictate what people post. Won't happen again!