Re: UNH Wildcats 2019/2020 Ready to Rock and Roll!!
Even through the blue tinted glasses... embarrassing. Thankful for them letting the Beast of the East play and great to see the band supplementing and dancing to the PA music when it was played. Chatting with three of our fine musicians, they had a few tunes left in the repertoire. It was also nice standing around chatting and catching up with friends. Still, not good.
Oops, I tried to reply here a half ago, but my post vanished. Traffic was especially slow going this afternoon, so I made my way straight to the Whitt around 6 pm. But, word is that the game will not begin until after 8 pm because of mechanical problems. So, you can hang at Libby's for a while longer, but they will not let us out now that we are in. Gotta profit by selling more beer and food for the next hour?
They let me out and back in, admittedly I was out only for about 15 minutes.
Crazy, huh? Time for the upgrade, methinks.
Silver lining is that this emphasizes the need for the infrastructure upgrade, makes it very difficult for those in Concord and around the state to argue the need. I wonder if the trustees might approve the refrigeration update, but not the ice width change.
From what I heard, the issue centers around a fire inspection that happened today at the Whitt and "someone forgeting to turn on a switch" or "turned on the wrong switch"

I don't think that it's because of a failing compressor, it sounds more like someone failing to do their job properly.
I would think that the games tomorrow and Sunday at the Whitt should be good to go.
Ouch. Whatever happened, there was initially standing water behind the student end goal. It froze, but I think the concern was the ice hardness. They were doing temperature checks with a hand held thermometer and sliding pucks across the ice to gauge resistance. It was noticeably warm throughout the arena.
Well it wouldn't be at SNHU, since the "Kings of NH Hockey" are gone they have a lot of scheduled concerts and events that will actually fill the arena and a lot of UNH's remaining home games would be in conflict. I doubt they have a contingency plan to do anything outside of the Whitt at this point, could be interesting if the failures continue.
Cancellation Notice / Comments on the arena from BS35+something
Thanks for the link. Marty sounds beyond frustrated. The SNHUrena has conflicts 1/18, 1/25, 2/14. Even with no conflicts, a distant plan B.
Even better is the fact that Merrimacks "The Mack Report" put out a tweet of the game being postponed 5-10 minutes before it was announced in the arena. Little to no communication while this was going on in the arena during the limbo of whether the game will happen or not. Terrible marks all around on this one, step up your game UNH. I can accept the s**t happens in terms of the ice issues but at least keep people in the loop of what is going on.
Yeah, this was bad. The most up to date (and it wasn't) source was @UNHMHOCKEY. Common sense, team not dressed, had not warmed up and simple math had us talking postponement by 7:15. 15 minutes before the announcement the water bottles were being retrieved from the benches and penalty boxes. Duh.
Dig up Whitt now and play remaining home games in Manchghanistan?