Chuck: Here are parts of a post I made (01-3-2016).
"Things got so bad last night as I watched the game that I had to get up and move around. I found a seat in the top row of the end zone with nobody around me. My experience from that viewpoint was interesting. Having the students there might have made a difference but without them it was downright depressing. Here is what I saw and perhaps more poignant here is what I felt ....."
"I felt like I was back attending one of those three ring circuses from my childhood days. All kinds of things happening at once and none of it connected to anything else. Noise, very loud music, contests of varying kinds, announcers selling stuff and opportunities, people waving thunder sticks instead of balloons, little kids running up and down the aisles, and a number of sullen adults looking like they couldn't wait to get out of there. The act in the center ring somehow seemed to be an add on .... not sure I can explain that .... it just felt that way."
As you said in your post "... the arena atmosphere was never better than the early days at The Whitt - or before that, in the good years at Snively."
Of course we will never pass that way again .... as that is no longer the way many fans want it in athletic arenas .... and I guess that is there right .... as it is mine to complain about it :-(