Re: UNH Wildcats 2017 Off-season: The Clash Question
Fun with Souza, Dick & Stu - Offseason Edition - Part VII
Three men move to Tee Seven
Spot will wait up at the green for them
Spot is a mess too and needs a rest
But it was worth the wait

Puff was put on the same cart as the dead bear
Spot feels bad for the dead bear
Not so much for Puff though
Beep beep is the sound at the tee
Thank god the beer cart is here!!
The men's thirst will be cured!!!!
Dick turns to Souza
"You will pay this time, right?"
Stu chirps from the back
"I got this one. My turn!"
Dick is

. Souza is

and then he is
There is a single pom pom on the front of the cart
It is a deep UNH Blue hue
"Hi gents! The beer cart is here! What can I help you with?"
"A case of Tab for my friends here" chirps Stu
"Yes, a case of <del>Schlitz</del> Tab" groans the old man
"Or a case of <del>Duff's</del> Tab" offers the young man
"So, a case of <del>any old swill</del> Tab will do then?"
"Yes, only the best for my pals" chirps Stu, who adds a nice tip
Stu will hit first this time
Short par 4 with no frills
Stu will grip and rip a 3 wood
Stu pulls it to the right
Dick hits next
Dick hits it straight
Good shot Dick!!
Souza hits last
Souza hits it high but short
Pop up - drats!!
But it is a short hole, so he can still reach it
The beer cart drives with the men to the next shots
"Why is there just one pom pom on the cart, Jules?"
"If there is just one pom pom, isn't it just a ... pom?"
"Stu you ask a good one ... "
"Shut up you two. Souza is set to hit" grumps Dick
Souza hits a wood true, and lands it near the green
Good shot Souza!
Jules and Stu drive to Stu's ball on the right
Souza drives Dick to his ball
They each pop open a can of <del>Busch</del> Tab
"There is one pom pom, so it is a pom I guess" says Jules
"Why do you put up with those guys?"
"The check is good and the drive is short" says Stu
Stu hits an eight iron stiff to the pin, ten feet past
Dick is set up with a nine iron
Dick shanks it, and the ball flies into the sand
Spot waits for the men near the sand
Spot kicks Dick's ball back on to the green
"Good shot Dick!!" chirps Stu
Jules is

and drives off to the sixth tee
"Good luck with the rest of your game Stu
Your pals seem not to know how to tip"
At the green, Souza is in
scramble mode
Unlike Stu, he is not used to this
His chip from the fringe comes up way short
"You can pick that up, Souza" chirps Stu
He has now beat Dick to the punch
Dick's ball is 30 feet from the pin
But it is not in the sand
Thanks of course to Spot
Dick hits the putt too hard, it goes 10 feet past
"Pick that up Dick", says Souza
Stu has a 10 foot putt left too for a bird
Stu will again wait to no avail
Stu rims the putt for bird out, and taps in for par
As the men move to Tee Eight, Fish and Game wait for them
No, they wait only for Spot
"Your pal Puff got hurt a lot"
"Seems to be from more than a rake oops"
"Why do you look at me then?"
"You have blood on your hands Spot"
"We think you beat the bag out of Puff"
"I tried to save Puff from the bear you shot, you dumb butt"
"So you say the bear mauled Puff, and you tried to save him?"
"Yes, that is the truth. Go ask the bear"
"But the bear is dead"
"That's too bad. Is Puff OK?"
"Yes, he will make it through"
"That's too bad too"
Fish and Game are

but they have hit a dead end. Spot

and the men move on.
The rain starts to fall more. Stu takes a sip of <del>Busch</del> Tab and throws it up on the spot.
The score after seven holes (Par 27) stands:
Dick -1 Souza E *Stu E
Dick still has the lead
Stu still has honors
No one has thirst any more
Dick stays on the cart with his dry bag
Dick wants to stay dry, so to speak
Now Spot will loop for Stu in the rain