Re: UNH Wildcats 2017 Off-season: The Clash Question
Chuck I will go out on a limb and pose this q to you...sure it's entirely possible maybe even likely that DU was given the 3 year gig to tidy up things, get to 600, win a NC etc but now you use the word "allowed" to stay? I guess what I have a hard time believing is he would actually be pushed to leave by MS (BS whatever the number is )..I know wildcatdc has alluded to this in his preseason posts so this could be possible I guess...but seems to me he (DU) has held all the cards to this point?
Will Marty actually say "welp it's been nice but it's time" and can UNH pay him for leaving early? Maybe some of that money from the librarian is still in escrow...In all seriousness unless DU decides that now is the time am curious (almost incredulous) that MS will show him the door.
Regarding use of the term "allowed" ... there is one (1) year left on Coach Umile's contract. No doubt it obligates UNH to pay him a set sum for his coaching services next season.
What it almost certainly does NOT obligate UNH (or entitle Coach Umile) to do is to put Coach behind the bench. There are folks all over the coaching landscape who have been terminated before the terms of their contract have expired - pro, college, and probably a select few HS coaches from affluent programs - who are still getting paid by their program/club NOT to coach.
Whether it's called a buyout, early retirement, etc. ... Coach has virtually zero leverage, being under contract for one more season at his alma mater, with no recent track record of success to support his continued presence at the front of his program. He's probably spent the last remaining bit of his capital on hiring Souza as his own replacement (as 'Watcher points out), and in doing so, he continues to coach at the AD's generosity. The cost associated with a buyout (max the one year remaining on his deal) has never been lower, and the case for his continued presence as HC has never been weaker.
I'm sure there will be a few folks up in Concord who would gripe if they bought Coach out early ... but think about it, what's the real cost to do this? Coach Souza and Coach Stewart are both already under contract, so UNH was going to pay all three guys next season anyway. If you replace Coach Umile next season with an assistant making a fraction of what Umile makes, then that (plus any contractual "bump" that Souza may get for moving to the HC job a year earlier than expected) is the actual added or extra cost of buying him out. And my guess is that number would be a lot closer to $100,000 (if that?) than the $250,000 or so you're already obligated to pay Coach Umile regardless.
Coach Umile hasn't been holding all the cards since he agreed to the 3 year plan with his guy (instead of Borek or an outside candidate from a national search) waiting to take over when he finished up.
My guess (and yes, it's a guess, but with some logic) is the decision is finalized tomorrow - by the AD, not Coach - and then on Thursday there is the season-ending presser, plus the HE awards banquet later that night.
If Coach is still in charge after Thursday's events, then it's on with
The Quest for the NRN, I'm afraid. JMHO.