Re: UNH Wildcats 2017/2018 - Umile's Last Stand - The Grand Finale
WOW wander away from the message board for a couple days and look what happens.
First let me clarify I don't hate Dick Umile, I don't really know him. I have had the privilege to meet him multiple times and he is a very nice guy. Prior to about 5 years ago, I was the voice of reason, more than once replying to fans calling for his head after a playoff blow out to "be careful what you wish for" the next guy could be much worse. Some place in the last 5 years it became obvious to me that our once great coach had either lost it, or wasn't into it any longer and the next guy (assuming a coaching search) couldn't be worse. It hasn't been a disappointing year it has been a disappointing series of years and to stick your head in the sand about that pattern isn't being a good fan.
I am a fan of UNH hockey, not necessarily any particular coach. I really don’t care who is coaching the team as long as there is progress. That progress could be as little is watching young players grow. Any action that looks to be bring the program forward is progress.
As to my fandom I probably have just about everybody on here beat for the percentage of my life I have been a fan and attending UNH hockey games. Some of my first memories in life are UNH games at the end of the 78 season and during 78-79 season. I am a graduate both BS and MS. I was there for the great and bad of Holt in the 80's. For Umile's first season as acting coach. For the end of Snively, for the year in Manchester, for the opening of the Whitt. I was one of the few that still believed in the 97-98 team that collapsed down the stretch and was rewarded in Albany with Mowers OT shorthanded goal. I have been to frozen fours and plenty of road games. I am a coach’s club member of the friends. I still volunteer my time to the university in a number of ways, I found a way for my company to sponsor two graduate students. My user name is not to hide, those are my initials, I was on when this message board was still new so I could still get something short and be lazy logging in. If you want to find me I am pretty sure we (my father and I) are the only 2 season ticket holders left in our row 101-N-15... Charlie Holt used to sit about 5 rows back over my right shoulder.
If you are from the athletics department you are attacking the wrong problem. Any one on here still is passionate about UNH Hockey and would love to make it better, do **** near anything to make it better. USCHO used to be filled with posting UNH fans, lots and lots of them, just as the arena used to be filled. They have all gone away - just quietly disappearing. Many left when the athletic department thought there was an endless supply of fans so they could mistreat the ones they had. When needed that waiting list turned out to be a paper tiger. They got fed up with lack of action as the problems are obvious, just open your eyes.
Nothing I have seen stated on this message board is inside information. It is all observation. If I can see it then trained hockey eyes can see it. My posts aren’t scaring away recruits, they can see it too.
JB please find another team as you have been a Umile hater forever. It was a very disappointing year but I am a fan first and a naysayer on places other than message boards. Please send your apologies to the players and I am sure Coach Souza and Coach Stewart are much smarter about hockey and player talent than you.
Please let me know where your season ticket seats are as I want to be sure the haters on the board are at least at the games and supporting the players.
WOW wander away from the message board for a couple days and look what happens.
First let me clarify I don't hate Dick Umile, I don't really know him. I have had the privilege to meet him multiple times and he is a very nice guy. Prior to about 5 years ago, I was the voice of reason, more than once replying to fans calling for his head after a playoff blow out to "be careful what you wish for" the next guy could be much worse. Some place in the last 5 years it became obvious to me that our once great coach had either lost it, or wasn't into it any longer and the next guy (assuming a coaching search) couldn't be worse. It hasn't been a disappointing year it has been a disappointing series of years and to stick your head in the sand about that pattern isn't being a good fan.
I am a fan of UNH hockey, not necessarily any particular coach. I really don’t care who is coaching the team as long as there is progress. That progress could be as little is watching young players grow. Any action that looks to be bring the program forward is progress.
As to my fandom I probably have just about everybody on here beat for the percentage of my life I have been a fan and attending UNH hockey games. Some of my first memories in life are UNH games at the end of the 78 season and during 78-79 season. I am a graduate both BS and MS. I was there for the great and bad of Holt in the 80's. For Umile's first season as acting coach. For the end of Snively, for the year in Manchester, for the opening of the Whitt. I was one of the few that still believed in the 97-98 team that collapsed down the stretch and was rewarded in Albany with Mowers OT shorthanded goal. I have been to frozen fours and plenty of road games. I am a coach’s club member of the friends. I still volunteer my time to the university in a number of ways, I found a way for my company to sponsor two graduate students. My user name is not to hide, those are my initials, I was on when this message board was still new so I could still get something short and be lazy logging in. If you want to find me I am pretty sure we (my father and I) are the only 2 season ticket holders left in our row 101-N-15... Charlie Holt used to sit about 5 rows back over my right shoulder.
If you are from the athletics department you are attacking the wrong problem. Any one on here still is passionate about UNH Hockey and would love to make it better, do **** near anything to make it better. USCHO used to be filled with posting UNH fans, lots and lots of them, just as the arena used to be filled. They have all gone away - just quietly disappearing. Many left when the athletic department thought there was an endless supply of fans so they could mistreat the ones they had. When needed that waiting list turned out to be a paper tiger. They got fed up with lack of action as the problems are obvious, just open your eyes.
Nothing I have seen stated on this message board is inside information. It is all observation. If I can see it then trained hockey eyes can see it. My posts aren’t scaring away recruits, they can see it too.