I find it odd that so many here fail or choose not to acknowledge that the hockey program is a example of a much larger UNH problem - underfunding. UNH and NH for that matter have long prided themselves on doing more with less (i.e. frugality, Yankee ingenuity, blah blah....) The University currently has an admissions acceptance rate of 88%, which is a joke frankly. There's a systemic problem that is destroying the integrity of the University.
Most industries over time become more efficient. The cost of no doing so is bankruptcy. Public education and government have no need to improve efficiency and performance unless the public demands it AND is willing to pay for better productivity. The University is slipping. Obviously, it will never completely fail but it can consistently fall short of achieving its mission, which is to provide the opportunity for a student to obtain a strong education at a much lower cost than private colleges. NH really is not serious about higher education. I'll leave it to the residents of NH to discuss grammar and HS educations.
The fact that the NH citizens and legislature don't insist on better performance and provide the funding AND school management IS the problem. Little Michael Souza, the not so motivated coach of a poorly funded hockey team, is nothing more than an example and product of the problem. Firing him does very little, although it likely is necessary. The sugar high of a new coach in time will be swallowed up by the larger problem that is the way NH residents and politicians view higher public education.
NH has long chided Massachusetts as being a bastion of crazy liberalism in defending itself against accusations of frugality, cheapness, lack of innovation, etc... The reality is that over time well funded communities run by intelligent, forward thinking people thrive. I dare say Massachusetts innovation/business employs many (most) of the residents of southern NH with six figure incomes. The underfunded communities run by, well, mediocre people proud of being cheap simply stay the same, which in the real world means fall behind. Underfunded communities run by intelligent people tend to hang on and occasionally perform fine. But they always swim upstream. UNH and NH in general have too many mediocre people in positions of influence running an underfunded enterprise.